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Chapter 36 is here~ I don't own card fight vanguard~

"What are you planning to do about school Aichi?"

The blue haired boy froze at the sudden mention of school, his posture slumped slightly and his gaze narrowed towards the ground as he let out a somewhat distressed sigh.

"Right school..... I had forgotten about it....."

The brunette would have felt sympathetic for the younger but he had been skipping school as well.

"I've fallen behind as well...."

The brunette replied, trying to encourage the smaller boy with the fact that he wasn't alone in the 'behind in school' boat.

"Sorry.... It's my fault isn't it?....."

Aichi sighed in defeat as he covered his face with his hands, the brunette shrugged.

"It's fine, we're both smart so we'll catch up in no time"

The younger teen uncovered his face and let a small smile grace his lips at the brunette's words.

"True, though lately I've been a idiot"

"You have"

Aichi pouted at the brunette's agreement to his comment.

"But that problem is fixed now so it's fine"

The brunette added with a smirk, Aichi glared playfully at the brunette before standing up from the table, stumbling slightly in the process.

"You okay?"

Kai asked softly, feeling slightly protective of the frail boy due to obvious reasons.

"Yeah..... I just got up to fast and got dizzy"

The brunette raised a brow at this.

"You didn't get up that fast though"

Sapphires narrowed slightly as the blue haired boy huffed and a shade of pink tinged the younger's cheeks.

"Think what you want, I'm usually slow at getting up so the normal people speed of getting up is considered fast for me"

Aichi replied, causing the brunette to smirk.

"You know that that sentence was worded horribly right?"

The older teen chuckled as he embraced the younger from behind.

"You should leave for a few hours"

Aichi murmured, not bothering to escape the embrace for he enjoyed the older's warmth.

"Why? It's early in the morning"

Aichi turned around in the brunette's arms to look into deep jades, his face was still tinged a light pink and sapphires had a slightly dazed look.

"You smell"

The brunette raised a brow at the smaller boy's words, not expecting to be insulted by the kind boy.


The younger moved away, a look of amusement covering his face.

"You need a shower, leave"

Aichi replied lightly as he held his nose and waved his hand back and forth to get the point across.

The brunette went to say something but the younger cut him off.

"No you can't shower here, because I still haven't gotten a new bathroom door yet and I don't want the smoke alarm going off due to steam"

The brunette let out a sigh and nodded in defeat.

"Fine I'll go home and shower before coming back afterwards"

Aichi shook his head at the older's words.

"No I'm planning to rest and regain my energy..... Plus I'd like to be alone for a bit"

The brunette raised a brow at the younger boy wanting to be alone, a little worried for him. Aichi noticed the concerned look plastered upon the brunette's face and smiled softly before cupping the older's face with his hands, standing on the tips of his toes then placed a light kiss upon the brunette's lips before backing away.

"Don't worry I'm fine, things have just been so sudden and I want to just relax and laze around on my own as the situation between us settles in, you know?"

Jades narrowed slightly before Kai nodded in acknowledgement.

"I understand, people do need to be alone at times, I'll be back tomorrow then, is that fine?"

"Yeah, thanks for understanding Kai"

Aichi smiled as he lead the brunette out of his apartment, after a few minutes he locked the door and slid onto the floor tiredly, allowing his exhaustion to finally show.

He felt thankful that the brunette hadn't noticed his pale complexion, he undid the bandages on his arms and gazed at the yellowing and greening scabbed over cuts.

"I really should have used a clean bandage last night instead of reusing the same one just because I was getting low on them...."

Aichi sighed to himself as he got up and headed towards the first aid kit before heading towards the bathroom.

His eyes narrowed as he gazed at his injuries once more, he couldn't help but feel sick at the sight of the infections.

He knew that he had to re-open his injuries to clean them, he could already feel the starting signs of a fever due to his infections, that was the main reason he kicked the brunette out of his apartment. He didn't want the brunette to see anymore of his blood, for Aichi knew that it would hurt the older.

Aichi took a deep breath and carefully picked the knife from before that has been stashed in the washroom, he smiled bitterly when he remembered that the last time he hurt himself in the room was because he wanted to die. He was still going to hurt himself, but this time around, he wanted to prevent himself from getting blood poisoning due to his infections.

With that in mind, Aichi began to slowly open up his cuts, treating one cut before opening the next one, not wanting to lose a lot of blood. He knew that he could have peeled the injuries open but they were deep and it would have been a painful and tedious process and sometimes it even made the initial cut even bigger than before.

When he finished he was covered in blood, not nearly as much as usual however due to his careful intentions, he then wrapped his arms up in clean bandages and felt too lazy to get off of the floor so he decided to fall asleep right then and there, not hearing the ringing of the doorbell courtesy of a brunette who had forgotten that his sleep over items had been left in the blue haired boy's apartment and wanted to retrieve them.

Me: hehe~ i have nothing to say so bai bai people and hope ya enjoyed~~

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