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Chapter 10 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

10k words yay

When the blue haired boy finished drying himself off he quickly put on his dry clothes, his gaze shifted towards the wet clothes on the floor. He hung them on the rack to dry before drying the floor with his own towel.

A soft sigh escaped the boy's lips when he finished, he exited the washroom, with the knife hidden in his pocket and headed towards his room, completely exhausted for some reason.

The brunette frowned when he heard the blue haired boy leave the bathroom and head towards his assigned room.

"I don't think he's been eating....."

The brunette replied after getting a curious look from the blond.

"I understand not having an appetite... But it's not healthy to go without food for too long, I think that you should force him to eat tomorrow"

Miwa replied with concern, for he had realized how lifeless the blue haired boy seemed to be, not eating would only worsen the boy's condition.

"Yeah, I think I will"

Grey orbs flashed with amusement.

"Kai, what do you think of Aichi?"

Jades narrowed at the blond, wondering why he had asked such a question.

"He's just a person in pain who needs help"

"Kai..... We both know that's not the case"

The blond sighed as he shook his head in disappointment.

"It is, once he's on his feet again he will leave"

The brunette deadpanned, causing the blond to let out a sigh.

"You're so socially awkward Kai...... Not even realizing your own feelings....."

Miwa replied with a sad smile, the brunette raised a brow at the blond's sudden seriousness.

"I'm pretty sure that I know my own feelings Miwa"

The blond shook his head.

"You're not the type of person to let anyone into your house Kai, even if you knew them.... Yet for some reason you brought Aichi into your house and have him a place to stay. Even going so far as to persuade him to stay with you Kai. Now tell me, what do you feel about Aichi?"

Jades narrowed slightly as the brunette thought for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Who knows, I was probably just being generous"

"....... Kai even though you're so smart.... Sometimes you're a complete idiot......"

Miwa sighed as he massaged his temple in frustration.


"I'm just saying that Aichi may be more than an injured boy needing help to you....... He may be someone more important"

The blond sighed, the brunette shook his head.

"Not likely, anyway I'm getting tired so you're going to leave"

The brunette yawned as he turned away from the blond.

"So he escapes...."

Miwa muttered to himself before leaving. Before heading to bed, the brunette peeked into the blue haired boy's room, a little concerned about his earlier behaviour, he let out a sigh when he saw that the boy was asleep and he then headed towards his own room to sleep.

"I wonder why I brought him here though......

The brunette whispered to himself as he curled up into his own bed.

Jades blinked open and looked at the clock, it read 9am, Kai stretched and got out of his bed and changed into beige pants and a red button up T-shirt.

He then walked towards the kitchen and began making pancakes for both him and the blue haired boy who was going to eat even if he had to force him. Though he highly doubted that he'd have to do more than glare at the younger, after all, the boy was timid.

When he finished he placed the pancakes at the table before heading towards Aichi's room and entering it.

He was startled by slight whimpering, he guessed that the boy was having a not too pleasant dream.

"Get up"


"Wake up"


"Aichi wake up"



The brunette was starting to feel annoyed at how hard it was to wake up the younger boy, so he decided to yank the blanket away from him, resulting in a Aichi on the floor.

Sapphires blinked drowsily at the older teen as the younger rubbed his eyes, half asleep.


The younger yawned in confusion, jades narrowed slightly.

"Yes it's me, get up and get changed before eating breakfast"

The brunette replied before exiting the room in annoyance. He was annoyed that for some reason the half asleep boy rubbing his eyes was adorable to him.

He walked towards the table and sat down in his place, a few moments later the blue haired boy slowly came into the kitchen wearing a black long sleeved shirt and grey sweatpants, he frowned at the paleness of the boy.

The boy opened his mouth when he saw the food, about to say something, however the older cut him off.

"Eat, it's not healthy to go without food"

Sapphires flashed in surprise at his words before darkening, the boy nodded silently and sat down at the table. The brunette eyed the boy as he slowly ate his food, he could easily tell that the boy did not seem to want to eat. However he couldn't see the boy's expression due to the boy's bangs covering his eyes.

After a while of the brunette watching the younger boy slowly pick at his food, he began to feel slightly annoyed, for the boy was probably really hungry after not eating well for so long.

"Hurry up, its not like you're full"

The brunette sighed, the younger paused his eating at the older's words. Aichi looked out from behind his bangs to gaze at the older, his face was blank and his eyes were unfocused.

"I'm not very hungry....."

The younger replied blankly, causing a twinge of annoyance within the brunette for being flat out lied to.

"You're lying, you haven't been eating properly, I can't have you dying while under my care"

The brunette sighed, missing the slight bit of hurt that quickly flashed within sapphires.

"Don't worry I won't die under your care Kai....."

The blue haired boy replied softly, for some reason making the brunette feel uneasy.

Me: that's the end of the chappy~

Miwa: Kai is so frustrating....

Me: hehe I agree~ he is so blind

Miwa: I hope he realizes before its too late....

Me: maybe~ who knows~ depends on my mood~~

Miwa: ......

Me: hehe anyway hope ya enjoyed le chappy~

Seemingly Alone - Cardfight VanguardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang