Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~~

The blue haired boy backed away from the closed door, shocked that the brunette had found him so soon. He felt a little guilty about shoving the older but he knew that it had to be done if he were to escape.

"Aichi, I just want to talk..."

He shook his head and covered his ears, not wanting to hear the older's words, for he didn't want to give in after going through so much trouble.

He looked towards his bags and thought about the newly bought its, a small smile creased his lips, he could have a shower and forget about the arrival of Kai. He could always just call the apartment manager but he knew that that would have seemed unneeded due to the fact that the older was just concerned for his well being.

He sifted through his bags and brought out a fluffy black towel, he then brought out the first aid kit and pulled a slim knife out of the newly bought knife set. With everything in hand, he set off towards the shower, hoping that by the time that he was finished, the brunette would have been long find by then.

When he reached the bathroom, he easily slid off his clothes and turned on the water, placing a hand in it to test it's temperature. Once it was perfect, the young boy entered the shower and sat on the bottom of it, the metallic blade poised above his arm.

He flinched when the blade dug into him, it was deport than his previous cuts, the reason was because he had a first aid kit, yet he made sure that the cut wasn't deep enough to require stitches.

The stinging of the water hitting the wound caused Aichi to hiss in pain, however he brought the knife up to his arm and sliced once more, and another time after that. The warmth of the shower lulled the boy into a peaceful trance as he watched trails of crimson flow down the drain.

After a while, a small tugging in his subconscious snapped him out of his trance, his body felt heavy and he knew that he had to stop the bleeding before he passed out again, or worse, passed out and somehow drowned in the shower.

With that in mind the boy slowly stood up, stumbling slightly in the process as he stretched his legs, allowing the feeling to once again enter them.

He stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself off, avoiding his bloody arm until the rest of himself was dry. He then gently patted the bloodied arm dry of water before reaching over towards his first aid kit, leaving the towel temporarily discarded onto the floor.

His mind was numb as he sprayed disinfectant onto his cuts and wrapped his arm securely with bandages.

Once finished he put on his clothes then wiped up the blood that had dripped onto the floor before turning off the shower that he had left on.

His body felt like lead as he stumbled out of the bathroom, sapphires half lidded, but a small and calm smile was gracing his lips none the less.

He felt at peace and empty as he slid onto the floor in his empty living room, he still didn't have and furniture.

He yawned before allowing sleep to overtake him once he noticed the lack of the brunette's presence on the other side of the door.

Meanwhile the brunette was sitting on his living room couch across from Miwa, a frown present upon his face.

"So you found Aichi...."

The brunette nodded at the blond's words, noting that it was more than a statement than a question.

"Yeah he's in an apartment complex a bit away from here..... I followed him to see where he loved"

A small snicker escaped from the blond's lips once the brunette had finished speaking.

"I knew that you were interested in him but following him home from a distance?.... That's new Kai, even you've got to admit that you were stalking him"

Jades narrowed dangerously at the blond.

"I'm not stalking him, I'm following him because he isn't fit to live alone just yet"

Miwa hummed in response, amusement flickering within grey orbs.

"Sure whatever you say Kai, but it seems like Aichi is a special person to you"

"He's not special, he's just a person that needs help"

"Kai, no sane person would stalk someone that they weren't interested in"

Jades blinked in confusion at the blond's sudden know it all tone of voice.

"I find understand where this conversation is headed"

Kai sighed, Miwa shook his head in sympathy before placing a hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"Kai, it hurts to see you so clueless.... I was going to stay quiet and let you figure out things for yourself but.... I've changed my mind"

"Figure out things for myself?...."

The blond shook his head and let out a tired sigh.

"Kai, you are in love with Aichi, there's no other reason for you're recent actions and obsessiveness towards him"

Jades widened before the brunette moved away from the blond.

"Impossible, there's no way that I could love someone's like Aichi"

Grey orbs softened at the brunette's denial.

"Kai, think about it, he's not your friend, yet you seem to care deeply about him.... I'll leave you to sort out your thoughts...."

The brunette whispered before leaving the shocked brunette alone.

Once Miwa had left the house the brunette shook his head and frowned.

"There's no way that I could love him, we are both males..... It's impossible...."

The brunette whispered to himself, not noticing the faint blush that was creeping onto his cheeks at the thought of him being together with the blue haired boy.

He shook his head once more to clear his head from any of those odd thoughts, a little annoyed that the blond had planted such weird thoughts into his head.

"Why do things keep getting more complicated...."

Kai sighed.

Me: that's the end of the chappy~

Miwa: I finally gave him a shove~

Me: yup~ wonder what'll happen next~~~

Miwa: you..., start planning ahead!

Me: nuuu! Me like writing on whim~~

Miwa: .....

Me: anyway hope ya enjoyed le chappy~~

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