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Chapter 9 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~~

"Oh I see...."

The black haired boy replied softly before smiling.

"Yeah..... I might not be around card capital for a while"

Kamui nodded in understanding.

"It's fine, but if you get lonely, all you have to do is visit onii-San"

"I'll keep that in mind Kamui"

The blue haired boy replied with a small smile, causing the other to blink in confusion.

".... you sure you're okay with being left alone?"

The black haired boy questioned, suddenly noting the paleness of the other.

"Yeah, anyway I've got to go Kamui..... See you another time"

The blue haired boy called as he turned away, leaving the younger boy standing in confusion.

Aichi jogged lightly until he was out of sight of the black haired boy before letting out a slightly distressed sigh, for he felt guilty for lying to his friend. Especially when it was one as serious as this.

"I hope he'll forgive me.... I just don't want to worry him....."

Aichi murmured to himself as he continued to walk around the streets, after a while the the rain was beginning to soak through his jacket, causing him to shiver slightly.

He decided to allow this to happen as the cool water against his skin was refreshing and filling him with energy.

Sapphires scanned the area, he was content that there were few people on the streets due to the weather.

He continued walking through the streets aimlessly for hours, he only noticed how long it had been when it started to get dark out.

He divided to head back, now come telly soaked to the bone, though he didn't mind the feeling of the wet clothes clinging to his thin frame.

Meanwhile, the brunette was feeling worried for the blue haired boy who had failed to return back despite the rain and the darkening sky.

The brunette shook his head, feeling silly for worrying for he knew that the blue haired boy was old enough to look after himself. Though he wasn't so sure at the moment due to circumstances.

Kai sighed as he finished his meal, he had cooked grilled cheese for himself, he winced slightly when he heard the first rumble of thunder.

"Calm down Kai, Aichi has probably taken shelter somewhere Kai"

Miwa sighed reassuringly, amused with the brunette's subconscious worry for the blue haired boy.


Grey orbs glimmered with amusement at the brunette's response.

"You care for him more than you think Kai"

Jades narrowed dangerously at the blond, causing Miwa to recoil slightly as he held up his hands in defence.

"He's just a person that needs a place to stay, that's all"

The brunette replied darkly, the blond let out a sigh and massaged his temple.

"So you'd let any person from the street into your home?"

Miwa questioned slyly, the brunette huffed slightly.

"Of course not, I'm not an idiot"

Miwa raised a brow at this.

"Oh? So then it's fine if its Aichi?"

"Yes because he won't get in my way, or at least he'd do his best to"

The blond smiled and shook his head.

"Kai, Kai, Kai, it's not as simple as that"


The brunette replied, cutting off the conversation for he was becoming bored of it.

The blond grinned at the brunette's tenseness as they heard the front door open.

"See I told you that he'd be fine"

The blond replied as he went towards the door to greet a rather soaked Aichi, Miwa had to stifle a laugh at how drowned the boy looked.

"Oh hi Miwa"

The blue haired boy whispered softly as he accepted a towel from the blond.

"Hi Aichi, what were you doing out so late in the rain?"

The smaller boy looked away and shrugged.

"I was walking in the rain, I only noticed how late it was when it started to become dark out. By then I was already quite the distance away from here"

The blond nodded at the younger's explanation.

"Go take a shower so that you don't become chilled and get sick"

The brunette sighed, sapphires blinked.

"But won't so many showers add to the hydro bill?"

The brunette shook his head.

"No, in this apartment the hydro bill is always at a fixed amount so feel free to shower whenever you want"

Sapphires glimmered darkly for a second at the brunette's words before the young boy smiled at the older.

"Okay thank you, I'll go have a shower now"

The boy replied as he walked towards the bathroom, unaware of the two gazed that were watching him worriedly.

"..... Keep an eye on him Kai.... for some reason I have a bad feeling...."

The blond whispered, the brunette nodded in agreement.

Before heading towards the bathroom, the blue haired boy swiftly grabbed dry clothes from his room and snatched something else before entering the bathroom, he grabbed a black towel from under the sink and hung it on the rack before turning on the shower and shedding his wet clothes into the floor.

He sighed in content as the warm water hit his cool skin, allowing warmth to settle into his bones and to warm his core.

Once his body was warmed up, the smaller boy's gaze flickered towards the metallic object that he had snatched with his clothes, dried specks of red were glimmering eerily on the blade's edge.

He grasped the blade and gently ran his fingers along the blade, careful not to cut himself as he washed the evidence away down the drain.

The young boy looked down at where he had cut himself previously. The thin lines were scabbed over, he contemplated adding more but decided against it, he didn't think that it was smart doing it so soon after he had just recovered his blood. Instead he placed the newly cleaned blade on the floor as he turned off the shower and got out of the shower.

Sapphires flickered towards the blade before he turned towards the towel and began to dry himself off.

Me: hope ya enjoyed~ no note cause iPod is dying....

Seemingly Alone - Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now