~ Deciding on the baby's name

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"What about Sarah?" Connor asks you and you shake your head in response.

"It's too basic, Con. I want my daughter to have a name that teachers don't come across ten times in one day," You say and he chuckles.

"Pregnancy hormones are my favorite thing in the world! Ummmm, what if we name her after a song?" Connor suggests and you clap your hands together as an idea popped into your head.

"Jasey Rae! It's perfect! Please please please!" You beg Connor and he rubs your bulging baby bump.

"Daddy can't wait to meet you, Ms. Jasey Rae Franta," His words made you cry tears of happiness.


"I don't know, Jc!" You exclaim as another contraction comes along.

Yes, you were nine months pregnant, in labor, and still haven't decided on a baby name. Jc was taking being yelled at like a man, and deep inside, you appreciated it so much.

"Uh, Caitlyn?" Jc suggests and you hold your thumbs down.

"Ok. What about Bella? Bella Caylen?" Jc says and you smile.

"Holy shit, that's the one! Bella Rose Caylen," You repeat just before another contraction occurs.

"Damn Bella, quit hurting mommy," Jc tells your daughter, which makes you laugh.


"What if we name him after me?" Sam suggests as you waddle around the kitchen.

This was your fifth pregnancy, and the first time you've ever made it past the first trimester. You're now 32 weeks pregnant, and trying to decided on a name for your first and last child.

"No Sam, I mean, I love your name, I'd let you do this if we were going to have more children, but we aren't so..." You trail off, and Sam nods quietly.

"Cole, Collin, Chase," He lists off a few C names then something clicks in your brain.

"Cameron Samuel Pottorff," You announce, and Sam shoots up from his spot at the kitchen table.

"Yes yes yes! Cameron Samuel is perfect!" Same cheers before he locks his lips with yours.


"Dude, why is picking a name so damn hard," You groan before joining Kian on the couch.

"Because it's our child, our beautiful baby girl," He responds and you snuggle up to him.

"Do you like the idea of an E name?" You ask him and he nods.

"Does Ellie sound good? I also kind of like Everly and nickname her Ever," Kian puts out his ideas for you to comment on.

"I like Emme and Emma," You answer and Kian snaps his fingers.

"Emma Mae Lawley," He says and tears start to form in your eyes.

"It's perfect. Just like you," You manage to speak through your emotions.


"I don't know!" You shout in frustration to Ricky.

You're seven months along, which is when you and Ricky decided to start looking at names. Although, all you could think about is having a baby in two months, let alone the name.

"I don't know either. Wait, I have an idea!" Ricky pulls out his phone and starts texting.

"What are you doing?" You say just as he grabs a notebook and a pen from the coffee table.

"I asked Connor, Sam, Trevor, Jc, and Kian to give me one boy name. They all just responded, and now I'm writing the names down. That way, we can put them in a hat and draw a name," Ricky explains and you watch him in amusement.

Ricky lets you do the honors of picking a piece of paper, which you do gladly. You open the piece of paper and start smiling so huge that your jaw starts to hurt.

"What name?!" Ricky yelled with anticipation in his voice.

"Jaden. Jaden Dillon. Wait, who said Jaden," You question and Ricky checks his phone.

"Well, we can thank Kian for naming our baby," Ricky answers and you hug him.

"Kian is sometimes so much smarter than us," You say and Ricky chuckles before ending the embrace.


"J names are kinda hard with boys, Y/N," Trevor says to you for the millionth time.

"No it's not! Jonah, Jim, John, Jackson," You list name after name and he sighs.

"But I don't like any of those," Trevor responds.

"Listen. You're not the one pushing him out of you're vagina, right? Are you gonna breastfeed him at three in the morning too?" You let your hormones take control.

"Woah, hold back sass Queen! What about Jake?" Trevor jokes, but adds on a very important piece.

"He's going to be our little Jakey! Good job, Trev," You pat him on the back and he laughs.

"Gotta love those mood swings, right Jake?" Trevor says to the baby as he helps you up from the couch.


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