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hello all, how are you?

I've been up to a lot since we last talked, so firstly, I'm going to update you on what's been happening in my teenage life.

1. In early August, I started my sophomore year of high school.
2. That being said, I've been learning how to drive... (driving at night is the best thing ever btw)
3. A few weeks ago, I went to my first quince! It was so fun, I wish I could go to another!
4. I dislocated my knee again lol. But hey, I haven't done gym for two weeks so oh well.
5. I've missed writing. With all my school work, social life, and family stuff, I've been pretty busy and haven't had a ton of time to sit down and focus on writing. But that's gonna change.

So onto my book, "O2L Preferences". IT IS SO FRICKIN CRAZY THAT THIS IS STILL GETTING READS, VOTES, AND COMMENTS! It all just blows my mind! So, in order to make everything worthwhile, I've got some good news.

1. Saturdays and/or Tuesdays will be days that I update this book. With that being addressed, onto requests that piled up over time.

2. Currently, requests are CLOSED! When I reopen requests, there will be an update saying so, and it will also say how long it will be open. So please don't request until it's open again!

Thirdly, this point also has to do with writing. I'm getting more and more determined to write a novel, so I think I'm going to give it a shot.

This book will more than likely come out in either the middle of December or early January. There will also be an update on O2L Preferences when this book comes out so you all can check it out.

Anyways, thanks for reading my long ass note! Look forward to tomorrow, guys..... :)


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