~ Your kids (Ricky, Kian, Sam, Trevor)

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Jaden Dillon- Jaden became your son a year after you and Ricky got married. Yeah sure, you weren't necessarily wanting a baby, but once you found out you were pregnant, you almost exploded. You love watching Jaden and Ricky bond, it's just too adorable. You watch as they both get stressed over Jaden's math homework each night. Jaden does okay in school, there is certainly room for improvement, but that's okay. Jaden is waiting for his special princess, so he isn't a player. He'll go on dates and he's had a few girlfriends, but he just doesn't want to break a girl's heart.

Maya Dillon- Maya was born three years after Jaden, and she is very quiet. She has a mentor in every class in order to challenge her smart brain. Her faces is always buried in a book, her eyes devouring the words. Maya may seem boring, but she really isn't. She is the captain of the tennis team, and they always win the national championship. Maya finds a change from education in tennis, and loves the physical challenge it provides.

Lexi Dillon- Lexi was born a year after Maya, and is very outgoing. She is team captain of the cheer team, and loves every second of it. Lexi tries her best in everything, she puts in her best effort all of the time. She aces all her classes and does her homework on time. On weekends, Lexi goes out with her friends, and always comes back with the biggest smile. You and Ricky think that Lexi pushes Maya to be her best, and try new things, because sometimes, Maya goes to Lexi's cheer practice. It's very fun for you to watch Maya and Lexi together, because you never had a sister, you've never felt that bond.


Emma Lawley- Emma was born a minute before her brother, Aidan. Emma has Kian's nose and mouth, meanwhile she has your eyes and hair color. You honestly think she is the perfect combination of you and Kian. Emma plays flute in band, and is the best in class. She is very smart, and is sure to ask questions if she doesn't understand something. Emma also runs every morning before school to get her body moving. Emma loves writing, and would love to become an author someday.

Aidan Lawley- Aidan is Emma's twin brother, and your last child. You and Kian had decided you wanted one of each, and you got that on the first try. Aidan loves football, and has this dream of becoming a professional football player. For now though, he settles for starting quarterback on his high school football team. He stays on top of his grades and homework so he can keep playing, it's his motivation. Aidan keeps himself in shape, which attracts the girls like flies. Although, Kian makes sure Aidan is a gentleman around girls, especially the ones he introduces to you guys.


Jake Moran- Jake is your first born, and is very popular at school. Everyone knows he can sing, due to his YouTube channel. He writes his own songs and does covers to popular singles. Trevor always wants to help Jake, but Jake says it's not cool. Jake is okay with school, he'd rather be working on music, but he does okay. Jake wants to become a rock-pop singer, and tour the world. You and Trevor push him every day to make that dream a reality.

Tess Moran- Tess came five years later, her personality already cheery. Tess always looks at the bright side of things, and focuses on the positives. She has her circle of friends, and keeps them close. Tess is a very good student, and is right where she needs to be. Tess loves YouTube, and is working on becoming a worldwide-known youtuber. Tess also tries to show Jake that he could really become something by helping him write songs. It's actually really cute, when you catch them in his room, two notepads, two pencils, and music blasting.


Cameron Pottorff- Cameron was your first and only child. You had so many complications getting pregnant and staying pregnant, that you didn't want to go through it again. Cameron took after Sam, he has the bad boy look, but he's actually a teddy bear. Cameron is slow with love, and wants to take it easy. He does his homework and gets okay grades in school. For the longest time, Cameron also had Sam's rosy cheeks, until his seventeenth birthday. Cameron is your guys' most prized possession, and would and will do anything to protect him.

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