Jc imagine (for Erin)

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"Jc, you promised," I said, following him around our house.

"Fine Erin, we'll go on an adventure," Jc said and you cheered.

I had always wanted to go on an adventure with Mr. Jc Caylen, and today's the day. I grabbed my bag, and threw my phone, Polaroid camera, and my actual camera into it and slipped into the passenger seat of Jc's car.

"I am so excited! Thank you baby," I smiled at him and he chuckled.

"Anything for you, boo." He parked the car, and we got out.

It was this woodsy area, and I was amazed at all the different colors and objects.

I started taking pictures and wandering around. This was going to be a fun day, there was nothing that could ruin it.

"You look really good taking pictures," Jc said, holding his phone.

"Let me see," I took his iPhone and looked at his picture.

I looked like I was totally in the zone, and a smile was plastered on my mouth. The trees and grass blended perfectly with my hazel eyes, and it was an awesome picture.

"Awh here, take a picture of me taking a picture of you," I said, and Jc smiled.

A few pictures ended up on social media, forming a ton of comments saying how cute Jc and I were. Sometimes I didn't care for our relationship being out in the public of millions, but today, everything went away. Today was a day of peace with my boyfriend, and I learned that I like Caylen Adventures.

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