~ His lockscreen

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You and Ricky were outside filming a video, and a good song had come on during a break. So you got up and started dancing with him. Ricky spun you around perfectly and it felt like you were a princess.

Connor had came outside to see how it was going, saw you two dancing. He took a picture and showed it to you guys later that afternoon.



Connor was begging you to go to the beach with him even though you didn't feel like swimming.

"Babe, please? We can just lay on the beach," He pleaded and you finally gave in.

You were walking alongside the ocean, taking in the view. You had to admit, it was a breathtaking scenery. You felt arms snake around you and you smiled.

"Hey baby," Connor said and then kissed your cheek.

A guy you had never met before had Connor's phone in his hands and was just handing it back to him.

Connor showed you the picture the stranger took, and it honestly summed up your relationship.



It was a cool Saturday evening, so you and Kian decided to go out to the Santa Monica Pier and penny board.

You were riding around, breathing in the smell of funnel cakes and popcorn. Then you noticed Kian had his hand stretched out towards you.

You took it, and kept on skating. It was such a nice time, you almost didn't notice the snap of Kian's phone taking a picture.

"Oh my god, I just took a picture of (your ship name) ! I love you guys so much!" The fangirl was calm, but at the same time, not calm.

You took pictures with her and then she left you guys to finish your riding.



You two were hanging out in front of the O2L house, just chilling. Then you got an idea.

"Jc! We should take a picture of our feet like those tumblr couples do!" You said, and he laughed.

"Okay babe, hang on." Jc went inside to get someone to take a picture.

"Okay, picture time lovebirds," Ricky smiled, holding up Jc's phone.

You guys made it look exactly like the ones you saw, and it instantly became your favorite picture.



You guys were on a walk around Trevor's neighborhood and found this awesome bridge.

Trevor pushed himself up onto the railing and patted the spot next to him.

"Hell no, I've got a brand new dress on," You snapped your fingers, making him laugh.

"At least kiss me," He said and you did as you were told.

Later that day, you saw the picture on twitter and smiled, knowing it would be an everlasting memory.



Sam had just gotten back from a little business trip, and this was the first time you saw him in almost two weeks. As soon as he pulled up, you ran into his open arms.

"I missed you so much," You whispered into his ear, and he smiled.

"I missed you too," Sam responded quietly.

"Awh! I'm glad I got a picture of that!" Sam's sister looked at you, her eyes saying that you were adorable.


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