Connor imagine (for Loïs)

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"Oh my god, that rain came out of nowhere," I said, squeezing the water out of my hair with a towel.

"I know, I thought today would be perfect for a picnic, but I guess not," Connor frowned, and I kissed him on the nose.

"It's fine, baby. You tried, and that's all that matters," I reassured him, and he smiled.

"You are the best, did I ever tell you that?" Connor asked, and I laughed.

"Well, I should probably go home, I took off college to be there with my family," I said, even though my heart wanted to stay.

"No! I want a cuddle buddy! God, please stay," Connor begged like a little kid, which made me feel bad.

"Let me go put your towel in the bathroom," I said, with a plan in my mind.

I pulled out my phone, and texted my mom that I'd be home by dinner tomorrow. I then went to Connor's room and looked at his clothes. I eventually found his

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