~ Your favorite thing about him

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Your favorite thing about Connor is his eyes. They're like looking into a pot of $100 dollar bills. When you first met him, Connor's eyes were what bought you. You're a sucker for eyes in general but his just killed you.


You can't get over how Ricky dresses. You think he has an amazing sense in fashion! Which of course leads to you stealing his t-shirts all the time. He's learned that when anything of his disappears, that it's at your place.


You love the way Jc lives. He lives so free, like nothing can break him. You are obsessed with his love for travel, and you can just imagine crossing off things on your bucket list with him.


You love Kian's lips. Partially for kissing reasons, and just because they are literally perfect. When your lips collide with his, it feels like they're landing on a pillow.


Your favorite thing about Trevor is his voice. Sometimes you make him a read a book to you, that's how much you love it. And you are in love with his music, you think he could really become something.


You love how Sam looks like the tough, bad boy, but really, he's a sweet teddy bear. You can't get over how shocked people are when he kisses you so softly in public. When you two are about to go bed, you trace Sam's tattoos, getting lost in his skin.

A/N: YEAH I FINALLY UPDATED! Lol sorry guys, I've been really busy lately! But, I've got news.

1. We've reached over 43.2K reads! How the hell does that even happen?! And I think we're at 519 votes, which makes me even more happy! And also, I believe 50 comments? WHAT EVEN?! I've been gone for like four days and that happens? IM SCREAMING!

2. I would've posted last night, but uh, I happened to be at a Katy Perry concert! We were so close to her, it felt like I could almost touch her when she flew around the arena! But I left my house at 5:45 and didn't get back until 12:15 so yeah, I got six and a half hours of sleep 🙈

That's it, thanks for reading and I LOVE YOU!


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