~ You dye his hair (Connor)

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"You'll be fine, I promise!" You assured Connor as you slid on the gloves.

"Wait, is it permanent?" Connor asked and you chuckled.

"Babe, it's like Tyler's. His lasts a good two months, then fades out. Which is what yours will do too," You explained, smiling at Connor.

You pulled Connor over to the sink and washed his hair. You grabbed the purple dye and lathered it in, making sure it was even. You rinsed it after twenty minutes, and gave him a towel.

"Oh my god, I feel weird already," Connor said as he walked to the bathroom.

You followed him, and found your boyfriend taking selfies with his colored hair.

"Not so nervous now, are you?" You smirked at Connor, watching him smile.

"Y/N, I love this color! Tyler's going to be SO jealous! OH MY GOD IT MADE THE TOWEL PURPLE!" Connor screamed, making you laugh.

"It's normal, Con. Dye does that to fabrics," Your cheeks were hurting from laughing, and he wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you so much for doing this, boo. I needed to get out of my comfort zone and I wanted you to do it so..." He kissed your cheek, making you blush.

"Now let's go watch Orange Is the New Black," You made Connor follow you out to the living room and turn on Netflix.

For the rest of the day, you two had a netflix marathon while you ran your fingers through Connor's new hair. It made you incredibly happy that you could do that for him, and you hope for more experiences.

A/N: WHO LIKES THIS ONE?! Tbh, I think this is one my best ideas, I mean, dying your boyfriend's hair would be the best thing ever in my opinion. Ricky's will probably follow tomorrow.

I love you guys!


O2L PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora