2K 19 6

Hey guys! We're only 10,000 reads away from 200,000 so uh, that's happening! And we're also kind of close to 2K votes! When did that even happen?!

Okay, so, about the requests. I'm working on them tonight, and they will all be up tonight, I think I have two or three left. Also, they are now closed until I open them again. Thanks for requesting though!

Secondly, I've been asked if I'm writing a story. The answer is maybeeee 😏 But, there may be a new preference book involving Australian kids sometime soon...

Thirdly, I went to homecoming on Friday night! Since I'm a freshman, it was my first one and it was really fun! I really liked catching up with my friends from other schools and we took a BUNCH of selfies! Totally a memory-filled night! :)

Okay that's all, remember, I love every single one of you! Stay grand, kids :)


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