~ Making breakfast with him (Ricky)

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You woke up to loud chatter. You went downstairs and there sat Kian, Jc, and Lia. They were watching Zoey 101, one of your favorite shows from 2005.

"YASS ZOEY 101 SLAYYYY!" You shouted, which got their attention.

"See, I told you guys, everyone loved this show," Lia said, and you laughed.

"This was my frickin show! I sat in front of the TV and admired how cool their high school was," You explained, and Jc paused the show.

"Uh Y/N, missing something?" Kian gestured to your bottom half, which was bare except your black underwear.

"Kian. Let's all be mature here, and pretend I'm wearing sweat pants okay? Does that work?" You asked and the boys laughed.

"Okay I will. But what about Jc," Kian questioned and you smiled.

"He's got Lia, she'll keep him in line," You said and she laughed.

"Thanks Y/N," Lia called as you left for the kitchen.

There you found Ricky who was cooking pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

"Jesus Ricky, are we giving this stuff to all your friends in LA," You asked and he shook his head.

"Good morning, boo. Where are your pants," Ricky questioned, and you shrugged.

"Kian and Jc are fine with it. It's nothing Lia hasn't ever done before. They're cool. Need help with anything?" You tried to get off the subject of your pants.

"Yeah, could you fill those glasses with Apple juice?" Ricky showed you where they were and you got busy.

Soon enough, the food was done. Ricky balanced the tray with plates of food while you did the same with the apple juice.

"You guys should open a restaurant," Jc said, and you laughed.

"What would we call it? The Lover's Special?" You thought out loud and Ricky laughed.

"That'd be perfect! After every meal, we'd give them a free condom! Because at Lover's Special, we're all about that protection!" He joked, making the whole group cry tears of laughter.

"Okay, let's just eat, and obsess over Zoey 101 okay?" Kian asked, you smirked.

"You know the show ended because Zoey got pregnant," You said, and Lia nodded.

"Too bad The Lover's Special didn't exist, the show could've lasted maybe another year," Lia caused another round of laughter.

Overall, it was a great morning. You spent time with your best friends, and imagining your future with them. Ricky was in the best mood ever, and Lia was agreeing with you every time you got in a brotherly-sisterly type of fight with Kian.

A/N: YAY FOR AN UPDATE! Thank you guys so much for 800+ votes and 56.3k+ reads! I love making these preferences for you guys and I'm glad you like them!

By the way, I wrote my first book! It's called Midnight Kiss, and chapter one is published! I'm planning on writing a lot over the weekend, for both books, so I'll try to update both (preferences for sure).

Have a good day/night! Love you!


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