~ What you do when you hack his phone

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When Kian leaves his phone in your watch, you almost always take a few hundred selfies, then pick four of your favorites. You make a collage with them, and then make it his background. At first Kian was slightly upset, now he says that he always has a reminder of you.


Trevor loves to sing, so naturally, it became something you like to do as well. When he leaves his phone lying around, you take full advantage. You go on Instagram and post a video of you singing a simple cover. For some reason, his fans go crazy over it, which makes you happy. It also makes Trevor glad that you interact with the fans.


Connor leaves his phone everywhere, believe it or not. Since he doesn't do many follow sprees, you always like to go on twitter and follow random people off of his followers list. It's fun seeing his fans so happy, and it's surprising that they haven't figured out that it's you yet. Connor loves that it makes you smile as well.


Screw Instagram and twitter! When Jc leaves his phone in the open, you open his snapchat. You send fans snaps of you making funny faces. You love to make people laugh, and you think that this is the best way to do it. Your twitter is always coated in your silliest faces, making you laugh as well.


You open kik whenever you can get Sam's phone. You spend your time saying nice things to his fans, and they always respond with nice things about Sam. They don't know it's you, but do they really need to?


You're the pranking type of person. Instead of using apps, you prank call fans. It's a treat for both the fans and you. It makes you laugh and you do good to the world when you do it. Ricky fully aproves of this, as it makes his fans happy to talk to you.

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