~ You're famous

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You are the lead singer of the latest, hottest band out there right now, The Outsiders. You know how to play every instrument, ranging from drums to the violin. You are currently on your third world tour, and Connor somehow always manages to talk you into letting him come along for most of the tours, for bucket list purposes.


You're an actress for movies. You've starred in 22 Jump Street, a few Nicholas Sparks movies, and a couple horror movies. Ricky loves going to premieres with you, and seeing all the fans that you have. He's always by your side, helping you learn lines and practice scenes.


You're an author! You can crank out creative writings like it's the only way to live! Whenever you're stuck, Jc tries to help you out, and sometimes, you pretend you're stuck because he's literally the cutest when he tries to make sure your comfortable. So far, you've written three books.


Ever since you can remember, you've wanted to be a tv actress. So here you are, on some of the best shows ever such as American Horror Story and Super Natural. Kian loves going to film with you, because he gets to watch you, and also meet the other famous stars.


You are like the newest Ellen Degeneres, interviewing the famous people. You make jokes, and you're so awesome that even when celebrities are sick, they still want to come to the interview. Sometimes you give Trevor a few minutes on stage, to premiere a song, and he absolutely loves it, almost as much as he loves you.


You're a very, very popular tattoo artist in Los Angeles! Yeah sure, cameras don't follow you around, but celebrities come in almost every day. You've tattooed Adam Levine, Zayn Malik, Ed Sheeran, and many more! When you first told Sam, he didn't believe you! But now, as more and more celebrities walk into your shop, Sam wishes he was you.

A/N: HEY GUYS! :) So these past days have been really awesome because my favorite artist on The Voice this season and I direct message each other on Twitter. It literally puts the biggest smile on my face, so yeah. BUT ANYWAYS. Here's what you guys need to know:


I felt like I needed something else, so I started a 5SOS preference book! Keep in mind, actual stories will be happening soon as well! Yay for new stuff! :)

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