~ You're cold

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Connor was showing you around his hometown, in Minnesota. You loved seeing him so happy, but to be honest, you were about to freeze to death. Now, you were wearing a hoodie, but that wasn't enough for Minnesota weather.

"Are you okay, babe?" Connor asked, and you shrugged.

"I'm just really cold..." You trailed off, worried that you were going to ruin this date.

"Baby, you should've said something! C'mon, let's get you back to the house." Connor pulled you close, while he called his sister to pick you guys up.

When you guys got back home, Connor sat you down on the couch with two blankets. He disappeared into the kitchen then came back two minutes later.

"I got you a cup of hot chocolate, and a boyfriend that wants to snuggle," Connor said, joining you under the blankets.

The rest of the night, you and Connor watched movies and snuggled. His mom thought you guys were just the cutest things, and you kind of agreed. You couldn't of asked for a better boyfriend than Connor.


"Why am I so cold? I'm in LA!" You sighed, shivering for the millionth time.

"Maybe you're getting sick, baby," Ricky said, his voice covered in sympathy.

"But I don't wanna be sick," You whined, making Ricky laugh.

"Y/N, if you get sick, that just means buckets of ice cream, and cuddling," He told you, making you smile.

"BRING ON THE VIRUSES!" You shouted, snuggling closer to Ricky.


You and Jc were out walking the streets of LA, when it decided to have a huge rain storm.

"Oh my god, this is Los Angeles! It's not supposed to rain!" Jc said to the empty air, making you chuckle.

"Can we just get home, babe? I'm freezing," You said, getting closer to him.

"Okay beautiful, we'll be there soon," Jc promised, as you guys started walking home.

As soon as you guys got home, Jc helped you change into dry clothes, and vice versa. You crawled into bed, and snuggled with your 'teddy bear' and planned some adventures with Jc.


You and Kian were in Iowa, at a lake with his family. You aren't keen on lakes and Kian knew that, but you went to make him happy.

You two were playing around at the shoreline, with Kian begging you to go into the water with him.

"For the last time, no Ki! I don't like lakes boo," You said, and Kian shrugged.

"We'll see about that..." He trailed off, coming up with a plan.

In the middle of your tanning session, Kian picked you up and you hung on his shoulder.

"KIAN OH MY GOD NO!" You screamed, as he walked you to the lake.

Kian put you into the ice cold water, and you hit his arm playfully.

"You're such a fucker," You whispered in his ear.

"I know, babe. How about we prove that theory later?" Kian asked, and you hit him again.

"Maybe... You made me cold so maybe," You teased him.


Trevor and you were in New York for Trevor's tour, and it just so happened that snow was on it's way.

"Do you still have to perform, even with snow coming?" You asked, and Trevor sighed.

"I don't know, the arena hasn't said anything. I hope not, I wanna stay here with you," Trevor said, his phone ringing.

"Was that the arena?" You questioned, after he hung up.

"Yeah, they're saying a blizzard's coming. No concert," Trevor smiled, jumping on the bed with you.

You guys ordered pumpkin pie, hot chocolate, and sugar cookies from room service. The rest of the night was spent catching up on Orange Is the New Black.


"Awh fuck," You mumbled, adding another jacket to your body.

"What's wrong, baby," Sam asked you with concern.

"I'm just really cold, and I have no idea why," You said, and Sam started taking your jackets off.

When he got to just your t-shirt, he held you in his arms. Sam also covered the both of you in a blanket.

"Oh my god, this is so much better then three jackets," You pointed to the pile of clothes on the floor.

"I know baby. C'mon, let's watch a scary movie," Sam suggested, making you smile.

A/N: YAY I FINALLY UPDATED! I'm so sorry guys! I had 8 tests for school last week. EIGHT! My brain must've exploded like ten times! Anyways, I'm very sorry for the lack of updates, and they should be better this week!

I love you guys!


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