~ You let another youtuber babysit

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"Ty, make sure you feed her every three hours," You handed Tyler your 2 month old daughter.

"Y/N, I've got this! Trust me, this baby is gonna slay tonight," Tyler said, making you laugh.

"Okay baby girl, you be good for uncle Ty," Connor came around the corner, smiling at the child.

"You two go have fun! I need to hang out with this queen!" Tyler said energetically.


"Okay, Y/D/N, we're going to make you sparkle," Tyler took her binky from the counter.

He sat at the table, bedazzling the pink binky. Your daughter smiled and giggled at Tyler, making him laugh.

When you guys got home, you were in tears from laughing at the bedazzled binky in Y/D/N's mouth.

"Don't let Tyler Oakley babysit your child, he will bedazzle their binky," You said, causing another round of laughter.


"He gets cranky if he doesn't have a bottle at seven and-," Jenn cut you off.

"Y/N, I'm a girl who loves babies. I'm sure Y/S/N and I will be fine," She said, and you smiled.

"I get cranky if I don't have supper by seven..." Ricky chimed in, making you laugh.

"Okay, rejuvenate yourselves! You guys need it," Jenn smirked, watching as you left.


"Shhhhh, Y/S/N. It's okay," Jenn bounced your son in her arms, trying to calm him down.

She spotted the play mat, and laid Y/S/N on it. He looked bored, so Jenn decided to join him.

"Hmm, this is pleasing to you?" She asked the baby like he could actually talk.

"Yeah," Ricky said, making Jenn jump.

"Oh my god, I didn't hear you guys come home!" Jenn was flustered.

"I see you and Y/S/N had fun," You chuckled, making everyone laugh.


"Thank you so much for babysitting, Jon!" You exclaimed, side-hugging him.

"I have nothing better to do," He smiled, looking at your ten-month-old son.

"Don't make a mess please. I already have to clean up Y/S/N's father's messes," You said, and Jc looked offended.

"Heyyy, I gotta show the baby how to live when he's older!" Jc joked, and you guys headed out.


"Okay, let's have some yummy strawberries," Jon read the label on the baby food jar.

He made spoon act like an airplane, entertaining your baby. As soon as he got close to Y/S/N's mouth, your son hit the spoon and the red food hit Jon in the face.

"You are Jc's child, aren't you?" Jon smiled, as the two started a food fight.

When you got home, there was baby food all over Y/S/N, Jon, and the high chair. It was actually kind of funny, it looked like Jon had dyed his hair.

"I'm so sorry guys," Jon said, and you smirked.

"Just clean it up, I'm gonna go clean my baby." You took your son up to the bathroom.


"I believe in you, Andrea," You said, watching your three year old daughter.

"Y/D/N and I will have a ton of fun! Don't worry, you two," Andrea said, and Kian laughed.

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