Connor imagine (for Ava)

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"Connor, I'm going to ask you one more time. Did you cheat on me?" I looked at his green eyes, the same ones I got lost in almost two years ago.

"Baby! I've said no each time, and you don't believe me!" Connor was frustrated with me, for not liking that he cheated on me, I guess.

"How come I saw you and girl at the club, dancing very, very, closely?" I asked, and Connor sighed.

"You weren't even there! You saw a picture, on social media! It's bait, Ava!" He exclaimed, his face getting redder with each word.

"What," I questioned, back-tracking.

"The picture was from social media, Ava. Some 'fans' don't want you and me together. So they get ahold of pictures of me, and make it look like I'm cheating," Connor explained, and I felt embarrassed.

"Connor, I'm so sorry! I had no idea, I had no reason not to trust you, oh my god I'm such an asshole! I'm so-," Connor's lips cut me off.

I kissed back, strengthening the kiss some more. I can't believe I didn't trust Connor when he told me he didn't cheat! God, such a stupid first fight!

"Okay, you know how to shut me up," I smiled at Connor, and he hugged me.

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