Connor imagine (for Katelynn)

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I sat down on the couch, and opened my brand new book. The smell of new books makes me feel so good, like the world is perfect.

I took a sip of my coffee from Starbucks and started reading.

About twenty minutes in, Connor came in and sat down next to me.

"Boo?" He questioned, and I looked up from my book.

"What Con?" I asked him, annoyed that he disrupted me from reading.

"Let's go upstairs and snuggle," I could tell Connor was tired and wanted a nap buddy.

"I'm sorry babe, but I'm reading," I held up the book, and he went upstairs.

I found where I stopped, and continued reading. At this point in my book, Hudson and Leila were waiting for the charcoal to warm up.

Nearly an hour later, I heard Connor's footsteps again. God, why does he want to snuggle so badly? I'll just ignore him.

"Baby?" Connor called, and I didn't move a muscle.

"Kate," He said, right in front of me.

"Katelynn, please answer me," Connor was now on the floor, looking at me.

I didn't look up from the words to see him. I wanted to read, I was going to read. I can't handle it when he pulls the puppy dog face, so I didn't watch as he walked away.

Minutes later, I felt bad for ignoring my boyfriend. He never ignores me when I want to be loved. So I went upstairs and knocked on our door.

"Hey boo," Connor smiled, and let me in.

Inside, rose petals were aligned perfectly on the floor, and multiple boxes of chocolate and DVDs covered the bed.

"What is this?" I asked, immediately feeling worse about how I acted.

"I wanted to surprise you, Katelynn. It's a movie marathon, and pizza is on it's way," Connor explained and I ran into his arms.

I took in the scent of his floral t-shirt and smiled. This is the life I want, Connor is so nice to me.

"Thank you boo," I kissed his cheek, making him smile.

For the rest of the night, Connor and I watched movies ranging from Paranormal Activity to 21 Jump Street. It was a really good night, and I learned to never ignore Connor ever again.

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