~ Long plane rides

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On long plane rides, you and Kian do a little #AskYourShipName . It helps pass the time, and it makes you two and the fans super happy.


You two are out like a light within the first hour of the flight. Normally they're early morning flights, and you both can sleep anywhere. So you guys cuddle up and get some extra sleep.


You can draw really well, so you always bring your sketch pad. You two really like tattoos, so you decided to draw tattoos. You'd show Sam and he'd tell you which ones he'd actually get. It may seem boring, but it got really fun the more you got into it.


You guys go through each other's twitters while on long plane rides. You sometimes scroll down to the very beginning of Jc's YouTube career tweets and it's so inspiring. And most of the time, you throw in a new, funny tweet for the fans.


You two pretty much do everything you can, then you fall asleep. Plane rides aren't your guys' favorite, so you might as well sleep through half of it.


You guys take turns listening to each other's music. You are obsessed with music, and are always down for new songs. Whenever one of you likes a song, you write it down and put it on your phone.

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