Sam imagine (for Carissa)

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I sat the Hy-Vee bags down on the kitchen counter, and went outside to find Sam and four of his friends in the pool.

"Hey guys," I smiled, trying to be polite.

"Hey boo. Do you think you could grab us some water?" Sam asked with his classic pouty lips, and I couldn't say no.

I went inside and grabbed five bottles of water, and jogged outside again.

"Yo slave, can you grab me some Doritos?" One of his friends asked, making my temper rise.

"Yeah seriously! The service here is so slow, Sam, get a new girl." Another chimed in, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

I grabbed all five bottles of water, and poured them on the douche bags, including Sam. I couldn't believe he didn't stand up for me, and he let his friends act like that! I stomped up to the bedroom, and turned on some 5 Seconds of Summer.

About fifteen minutes into my jam session, Sam came in and sat next to me.

"Are they gone?" I asked, and Sam nodded.

"I'm sorry they hurt your feelings boo, I thought it was just a joke." Well that explains his under-reacting.

Sam kissed my cheek, and I gave in to letting him hold me. We ended up cuddling for an hour, which told him that I forgave him.

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