~ 3am

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"Babe," Kian shook you, seeing if you were awake.

Truth be told, you couldn't sleep. Nope, not one bit. Your mind was driving you insane.

"What, Ki," You asked and he started playing with your hair.

"I can't sleep," Kian finally spoke again, and you smiled.

"Neither can I, must be a couple thing," You joked, which made him laugh.

"C'mon, let's go driving," He slid a hoodie on and you guys left.

You two rolled down the windows and let the cool LA night air inside. You sang along to every song that came on, making Kian smile. After almost two hours, you guys arrived back at the O2L house. Since it was 5am, you guys ended up sleeping until 2pm, but it was worth it.


You woke up to Ricky's famous 'YASSS' and you laughed quietly.

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry!" He apologized but you just smiled.

"It's okay, Ricky. What did you see?" You asked and he gave you his phone.

@Rixky: Hey Ricky, do you really love @Y/T/N , because you two are adorable!

"Awh," You kissed his cheek and he smiled at you.

"OOOOH IDEA!" Ricky said and he tapped away on his phone.

Seconds later, your twitter notifications blew up, more than they usually do.

@RickyPDillon: Hey guys! Y/N and I are bored so let's have a #AskYourShipName ! Tweet me and @Y/T/N ! ❤️

So until 4am, you guys followed and responded to the fans. It was a good hour, between you, Ricky, and the fans.


You woke up to Jc's open brown eyes.

"What the hell are you awake for?" You asked, Jc smiled.

"I can't sleep, because I wanna go on an adventure," Jc explained, and you ruffled his hair.

"Really? Where to?" You questioned and he shrugged.

"Texas. I wanna show you where I came from," He said, and you smiled.

"Okay baby," You and Jc got out of bed within seconds.

You guys grabbed your pre-packed adventure bags, and drove to the airport. You purchased two tickets to Jc's hometown, and went through security and other airport stuff. Soon enough, you guys were on a plane and fast asleep.


You traced letters into Connor's skin, and about 20 minutes in, he woke up.

"Did I wake you," You asked, and he yawned.

"Fifteen minutes ago. I just kept my eyes shut," Connor smirked, and you smiled.

"Let's go make pancakes," You said, and he slowly followed you downstairs.

As soon as the pancakes were done, you and Connor took them back upstairs, and you guys got comfortable under blankets, sharing body heat. You guys turned on Orange Is the New Black, and had a marathon. Around 8am, you guys fell back asleep until 1:30pm. It was a fun morning spent with your boyfriend, and you hope for more.


"FUCK THIS!" Trevor yelled, waking you up.

"Trevor, why aren't you asleep?" You asked, sitting up.

"My label told me to have a song ready for the 20th, which is tomorrow, a week ago. I spaced, and totally forgot. Now I can't come up with a fucking chorus," The f-bomb made you tense, but you understood Trevor's stress.

You sat down next to Trevor, and took his notebook. You read through the strong lyrics, and words swirled through your head. On the back, you wrote down your chorus.

"Boo, this is amazing," Trevor kissed you on the cheek.

"Would you like to use it so you can come and sleep with me?" You asked and he nodded.

Now in the afternoons, you always help Trevor with songs for EP's.


You wiped the sweat on your dress, and checked your phone.

"Holy shit, 3am already..." You mumbled and found your drunk boyfriend.

"But babeeeee, I wanna dddancee with you," Sam slurred, making you laugh.

"Fine, drunky," You let Sam grab you, and start the waltz.

You couldn't believe he was waltzing with you. The actual Sam wouldn't ever slow-dance with you! And he was on point, even when he was drunk!

"Spin time," He spun you around, a perfect 360 degrees.

That night, you were mesmerized by your boyfriend. You were expecting him to grind on you, but instead you got a slow dance. You left the club, dragging a drunk Sam, but you didn't care, that dance made your life.

A/N: YAY I UPDATED YAY ME!!! But really guys, thank you so much for all the reads and votes! I love you like crazy!!!!


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