Chapter 18 | Anything But Simple

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I jumped up out of a dead sleep, quickly trying to gather my bearings after being shocked awake. Golden rays of sun filled the cabin bedroom I was in. Oh, that's right. I'm not stuck in a dingy cell anymore. I looked around for the source of the voice that yelled at me to wake up.

Mike stood at in the doorway with the door half open and his hand on the outside handle. I gave him a dirty look when I felt Ricky moving next to me. Great, he woke both of us up and obviously there's nothing urgent.

"Jesus, Mike. My first sleep in two years that I don't have to wake up for kitchen duty and you couldn't let me sleep in?" I grumbled. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. "What do you need that's so important you had to wake me up?"

"I need the address of the safe house in Washington, so I can get the fuck out of here. I'm sick of this place already." He replied.

I sighed. "I'll get it for you, just, fuck. Give me a few minutes to wake up."

Ricky sat up in bed. He sleepily put his arm across my bare chest and rested his head on my shoulder, moaning in efforts to wake up more. Mike narrowed his eyes at Ricky. If looks could kill. Sorry, Mike. I can't help it that you're a jealous fuck and I didn't want a romantic relationship with you. The angry seemed to quickly turn to regret.

He began to pull the door closed, mumbling, "Chris was just about to start breakfast."

"We'll be there in a few minutes." I responded. My words were followed by the door shutting a little louder than it needed to. I gave Ricky a soft kiss on the head as I wrapped my arm around his waist. "Sorry about him."

He smiled from the kiss. Ricky met his eyes to mine and pecked my lips. "It's fine. No one can ruin my good mood anyways."

He was so fucking beautiful. A grin pulled at the corners of my mouth. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"I haven't been in prison for close to twenty-four hours, last night I had sex with the sexiest being on this earth, and I got to wake up to his beautiful face. Even if it was a rough wake up call." Ricky said, speaking as if it was so simple.

It wasn't simple though. He was an ex-fed turned murderer, and I was the type of person he used to kill. We just managed to escape a high security prison and now we're on the run with a bunch of fellow criminals. My ex-hatefuck who happens to be a cannibal is jealous as well. And Ricky and I both keep awkwardly avoiding the word "love" but I guess that last part is kind of normal? What's normal mean again?

Ricky and I had fucked plenty of times in our cell at the prison. Last night, it was different. It wasn't just hey I'm a hole and he's going to take advantage of that. No, it was soft and loving. I felt like I was on top of the world and no one could tear me down as long as I was with him. He makes me so damn high. I'm just worried that we're stuck in the honeymoon phase and it's eventually going to fall apart. When it does, will I be able to live without him? I guess I just have to take it one day at a time. I'm so damn addicted to him now.

He was perfect. I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on my sweater. Then I looked over at him and my heart must've stopped from sheer shock. How did I get so lucky? Every tattoo on his pale skin was horrifically beautiful. He was so slender, but his arms were built. As he pulled on a black shirt, he pulled his hair out from under it and messed it around a little. He was flawless. And mine. He was all mine.

Ricky caught my stair and smiled at me like a dork. "What are you looking at?"

"Just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I replied. I stood up from the bed and went over to a pile of clothes to find myself some pants. "You know you are perfect. That's why Mike's so jealous. He knows he can't compete with you."

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