Chapter 52 | Elko, Nevada

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"This place looks deserted." Chris stated as we parked in front of the town's diner.

It looked similar to that one Ricky and I blew up. I wish I could look back at that memory and not see it as a lie. That's all it is though. A lie. This town was also empty. I didn't see anyone for miles, dead or alive. We've got plenty of exploring to do though. Mike, Rayne, Vinny, and Jeremy stepped out of the car while the rest of us put the kicks down on our bikes.

"Never take anything at face value." I said ominously.

This town was old and run down. The place looked like it could've been abandoned before the outbreak. We took it was a grain of salt though.

"Elko is supposed to be a much bigger town." Mike replied, "Let's just sweep through this town. Then we'll head there, clean it out, and make that our base of operations."

"Good plan. Let's split up into groups to make this go faster. Because, as we've established, there isn't shit here." Balz added.

Pairing was almost involuntary; Balz with Ryan-Ashley, Chris with Angelo and Danny, Kuza with Rayne, Ashley with Nikki and Jeremy, and I took Ryan and Vinny with me. Ricky ditched us. We partly ditched him because we didn't wait for him when we left, but it was pretty obvious we'd be waiting a while if we had. I shouldn't be surprised that he lied to me again. What's one more lie at this point?

I didn't want to go into this diner, because it looked just like that old one. The memories were surrounding me as I walked through it. Damn it. I don't miss him but I miss the memories. I miss the bliss we had. I want him back, but the him that I thought was a crazy murderer. Not this weird lying fed.

"I hear something." Vinny muttered.

"Then shut up so the rest of us can hear it." Ryan snapped.

I half sighed, "If you kids don't behave I'll make you go sit in the car."

There was a moaning coming from somewhere. I followed behind the counter, seeing a sight that even my stomach took a minute to calm from. A body missing it's lower half still crawled along the old tile. He looked to be a dishwasher, at some point at least. Now he's just a mess of rotting flesh. The second the moaning crawler started to reach it's arm for me, I shot it's head off. Moments afterward I heard more fires outside.

"I guess this place isn't as disserted as we thought." Vinny said.

We knew we had to go into the kitchen next. I first looked through the delivery window between here and the kitchen, seeing the zombiefied chef. With a steady aim, I shot his head from here. Then I nodded towards Ryan and he walked into the kitchen. One shot rang out and that was it. I walked in behind him to check around.

"Looks clear. Let's keep moving. The bar next door is next." I told them.

"Oh great, drunk zombies." Vinny joked.

Time seemed to go faster than I thought. It took us around an hour to clear out Wells because there was almost nothing there. Luckily these zombies are all slow. That's not to say we won't run into any Left 4 Dead type of shit. Being in the same state as sin city, we're bound to see some fucked up shit. We radioed over to the general that we had one town cleared. We expected the next town to take us the rest of the day because we were told is was fairly sized.

When we got there, we found the fight we had been looking for. I must've reloaded that gun what felt like a hundred times. Things got easier when Chris got Angelo to a vantage point and he started to snipe for us. He's got an incredibly steady hand a good eye. He is a tattoo artist, after all.

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