Chapter 44 | Traffic Light

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Walking is a good therapy for me. I use sex and killing to get out my anxiety and aggression. A good walk though, that calms me down. I walk along the highway often. No one ever drives this road. Occasionally there's a semi passing through, but that's about it. They never stop or give me much mind.

It's still dead middle of summer, so it's nice and warm outside. I walked in my boots that went just about my ankles. A little skin was exposed on my legs because I was wearing jean shorts. I rolled up the sleeves of my flannel shirt as I paced down the side of the road. This was my first walk since I broke my back. It was weird walking with a limp, but the more I walked, the better it got.

This is how I clear my thoughts. After the nights I've been having, that's what I need more than anything else. There's days I have little flashes back to when I was younger, but I never fully think over the memories. They're just too painful. I can't even say my little sister's name. I miss her too much. She was a little ray of sunshine in my horrid world.

The night I put her to rest for the last time, I walked to the neighbors and asked them to call the police. While they were on the phone, I left. I left and I never turned back. For years, it was just me in my car. I went around the country murdering people when I needed or wanted to. In all those years, there was never one witness. That's why they started calling me the Ghost Murderer. That, and I mostly killed fellow ghosts. I took out sleeve crime lords. At some point I just started killing anyone that I could get alone.

Then I met her. The one that turned me in. We all know how the story goes after that. I trusted that bitch. If there's anyone on the top of my hit list, it's her. I can't stop myself from thinking, she's just a few hours down the coast. She lives in California now. There's probably a million cops watching her though. They know I was her dead. So, I let her go for now. If there's ever a situation where I have nothing better to loose, I'll do it.

I thought about what Kuza told me, about being under the moon. We are forced to share the same sky as the ones we hate, just so we can enjoy it with the ones we love. The sky did look so gorgeous tonight too. I should head back to Ricky. As I continued walking with this thought, a truck slowed down beside me.

The semi driver rolled down his window and shouted, "Hey Baby! Need a ride?"

A smirk played at my lips, "Sure."

"Hop on in." He said.

I knew I'd find myself some fun tonight. He was a smelly, fat piece of shit. I look forward to slitting his throat. I've got a pocket knife in my back pocket, don't you worry. The climb into the cab of his truck wasn't fun with a bad back. I don't have much feeling in one of my legs from the accident, so it's not easy to do a lot of shit. Somehow I managed to walk farther than I thought. I realized this when I saw the road sign.

"Where you headed to, Sweet cheeks?" The dirty old man asked me.

"North. I'll let you know when I need out." I responded.

He grumbled, "So what's a pretty little thing like you doing all the way out here?"

I twirled a lock of my hair while I played with the radio. A certain story caught my attention, and I turned it up. Perfect timing. A male reporter read over air, "It has been close to three months now since a group of serial killers went missing. Eye witnesses have claimed to see one of the killers, Devin Sola, walking along the highway here during the night. The police describe Sola as very thin, around six feet tall, tattoo sleeves, shoulder length black dreadlocks, and very pale skin. It is noted that Sola has a habit of presenting himself as a woman, or dressing very feminine. If you have any info for police as to his whereabouts, contact authorities."

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