Chapter 48 | Saturday Night

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It became apparent to me that these feds had every intention of treating me like shit at every turn. They would kick me just 'cause, or call me horrid names. They'd tell me how Ricky probably doesn't love me, and he won't miss me. I know those things aren't true but it hurts to hear them. I just kept thinking about what Mike had told me; We're all still together under the moon.

The drive from Seattle to Denver was long. Once we did get to the prison, the Hell didn't stop. Two officers took me inside and strip searched me. Then they brought me to the showers to clean me off before admitting me. One slammed my head into the tile wall. I didn't fight back because I remembered how much good behavior counts for. I was also praying they'd lighten up if they saw I wasn't hurting them. So far that wasn't working. One of them put his fingers up my ass, justifying it as a cavity search. It still left me feeling pretty violated.

They gave me that same damn prison jumper. I hated them. They never fit and always make me feel less than human. With cuffs around my hands, they walked me down to my new home. This prison was much cleaner than Graham. The walls were pure white unlike Graham's dirty stone. Bright colors doesn't make it feel any better. I knew I'd eventually end up back in the slammer, but I didn't think it'd be this soon.

Before getting shoved into a cell, the officers held me outside of it's door to meet the warden. He was a tall gentleman with a thin body, but still intimidating as fuck. "Berge" was the name on his uniform.

"Welcome to ADX Florence Supermax, son. This prison is not like any other you've ever been in. You will be in your room twenty four hours a day. If you behave, you will earn yourself a hour outside each day. You will not have any human interaction. You have a small TV in your room, which I will not hesitate to take from you if you try anything. You can have one fifteen minute phone call a month, but that again can be taken. Any questions?"

"Yeah, two. Am I aloud books?" I asked.

"Yes. I will see to it you have a request form to fill out tonight. Second question?"

"That fifteen minute phone call; The thing is, all the people I would call are in this prison now." I said, "So instead of getting a phone call, can I get a visit with one of them? One of them is my boyfriend. I... I can't live without him, Sir."

His heart seemed to soften for just a split second, "I'll consider it."

"Thank you." I responded.

He began to walk away, so the officers forced me into the cell. They threw me on the bed to undo my cuffs. Considering the bed was just a thin mat onto of concrete, it hurt a lot. Once they were gone, I curled up against that bed and looked around the room. I had a shower, a sink and a toilet in one corner. At the foot of the bed, there was a concrete table, shelf, and seat. That very tiny ten inch screen TV the warden mentioned was sitting on the shelf. Next to the bed I saw a very small four inch window, but I was too tired to get up to look out of it.

There was iron bars on the front of the cell, but another set of heavy metal doors were in front of them. They wanted to make sure I wasn't getting out of here. I laid there in the silence and let it eat me away. I can't believe I've let myself get destroyed this much. I had everything, and it was just ripped away from me.

In the quiet, somehow through these thick walls, I heard a voice on a melody. I focused and realized someone was singing in one of the nearby cells. There's only one person I know that sings sitting in their cell... It was Chris. Weirdly, there was a sense of relief in me to know he was next to me. There was a wall between us, but he was next to me. I sat up and leaned against the wall to hear clearer.

"I was thinking about you. There was something I forgot to say; I was crying on a Saturday Night. I was out cruising without you. They were playing our song. Crying on a Saturday Night."

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