Chapter 41 | Aftermath

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"He's waking up, I think." I heard Reese's soft voice buried under a ringing in my ears.

I kept my eyes closed shut because something in me was still making them heavy. This ringing was awful. It wouldn't quit. I reached towards my pounding head and felt the movement send a shooting pain down my spine. The weight of the bed shifted and I opened my eyes to see Ricky hovering over me.

"Mm... What happened? Why are you on top of me?" I asked him.

"I didn't want you to sit up. I thought the best way to prevent that was to get over you." He chuckled, "I'll only get up if you promise me you won't get up. You have four broken vertebrae in your lower back. Ryan wants you to stay on bed rest for at least two to three days."

I sighed, "I promise I won't move. Although I don't mind you being over me like this."

Reese made an audible noise of disgust. Ricky smiled and rolled his eyes as he delicately got up off of me. We were in his and I's bedroom.

"I'll go tell Ryan he's awake." Reese said.

"That's a good idea." Ricky replied as his eyes followed her out, "Ask him how the others are too."

"Others?" I questioned with concern.

Ricky grabbed the chair Reese had just been sitting in. He brought it up to the side of the bed and sat down. Fuck he was so beautiful. I noticed he had a cut across his cheek, and another on his forehead. Those were new. What the fuck happened while I was out?

"I saw the flash in the woods and ran to it. Vinny was outside trying to fix the power and he saw it too. We found you and Kuza, both in bad shape. It scared me to death seeing you laying on the ground like that. You were so lifeless... I was scared for a moment that you were dead. I realized you were still awake, but as soon as I did you passed out. I tried to keep you awake but I couldn't. Mike had hit his head and we thought he was out too. He wasn't and he attacked Vinny."

"He said he didn't want to hurt the others." I muttered.

"I don't think he meant to hurt Vinny. He was just freaked out when he woke back up and attacked the first thing he could grab. I punched him off of Vinny and that knocked him out. Ryan-Ashley and Balz found us a few minutes later and helped get everyone back to the house. We brought you, Vinny, and Mike straight to the cellar so Ryan could look you over. While we were down there we heard a scream from upstairs. I knew it was Reese's so I ran up to check on her. Chris was passed out in the kitchen, and Angelo was fighting some girl in the living room. I had no idea who she was."

"She was smart enough to take Chris out first." I said.

"Exactly," He responded, "She knew how to fight too well. Angelo and I tried our best and eventually subdued her, but not without getting banged up in the process."

I reached my hand over to his face, gently running my fingers across his cheek, "I can see that. What did you do with her?"

"She's tied up in the cellar until Kuza can wake up and tell us who she is. She wouldn't talk." He told me, then the door opened.

Ryan walked in with Reese behind him. Ricky stood up and gave his sister her seat back. He leaned back on the wall and observed Ryan approaching me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

I groaned, "Like I got hit by a bus."

"Be thankful we raided that hospital when we did. I wouldn't have been able to help you if I didn't have that equipment. I don't think I have to tell you that there's a lot of nerve endings in your spine. Mike hit you with a sledge hammer and it shattered half your lumbar. That's responsible for nerves in your legs. I know you're not paralyzed because you fucking kicked me when I was trying to sedate you."

I did? I don't even remember a period where I was awake. "Sorry." I muttered to him regardless of not remembering.

"It's not the worst thing someone's ever done on me." He chuckled, "Worst case scenario, paralysis can set in post injury, though I don't think it will. Best case, you'll have a full recovery and be fine. Realistically, I think you'll have some nerve damage and won't be walking straight for the rest of your life, but you'll be fine."

"A limp might make you creepier anyways." Reese added.

I laughed, "Michael Myers walked after his victims and still caught them. I think I'll be okay if I have to live with a limp."

"Regardless, I want you on bed rest for a few days. Ricky's in charge of making sure you stay on bed rest, but I have to put my trust in both of you that you won't have sex for a few weeks. Lay off murdering for awhile too." Ryan said.

"Fucking and killing are all I do!" I snapped, "What do you expect me to do for the next few weeks?"

"I don't know. Bake cookies or some shit. I really don't care, as long as you don't put any strain on your back." Ryan replied.

I sighed, "Fine. Fine. Ricky told me what happened. How are the others?"

"Vinny's more mentally scared than anything. The bite was a little deeper than the first time Mike bit him, but it'll heal in time. He won't be using his right arm much for a while though. That bitch broke a vase over Chris' head. He needed some glass pulled out of his scalp and a few stitches. Other than that, he's fine. I'm sure you saw I had to put a few stitches in Ricky too. He dislocated his shoulder and I put it back in, but keep an eye on it. Reese didn't get a scratch on her, and Ange only needed a splint on his wrist."

"What about Mike and the girl?" Ricky asked.

"He got a concussion I think. He was pretty disoriented when he woke up. I put quite a few stitches in the back of his head too. The girl had a few cuts and bruises. She's apparently Mike's girlfriend. Her name is Rayne. He found her at a bar the night you kicked him out."

"Mike said he only wanted payback. I assumed he just meant payback on me. This whole thing is my fault. I'm sorry." I confessed, feeling the weight on my heart.

"Apologize to Mike." Ryan responded while heading out the door. "C'mon, Reese. We should check on him anyways."

I took a deep breath as I stared up at the ceiling. Before Ryan was all the way out the door, I said, "If he's feeling up to it, ask him to come talk to me."

Ryan nodded and left. It was back to just Ricky and I. He seemed somewhat bothered by my decision to work it out with Mike. I get it. Mike did break my back with a sledgehammer, but in the end he's my friend. I've shared a lot with him, good and bad. Whether he actually wants to work things out with me or not, that's another question entirely.

There was a moment of silence between he and I. It was oddly comfortable. I decided to sit up because I was sick of laying down. Ricky came over and helped me. He touched me so softly, it made me want to cry. His skin was just like silk. We heard a light knock at the cracked door. Mike slowly opened it, surveying the situation. Ricky gently kissed me before moving to walk towards him.

"I'll give you two a minute to talk. He's on bedrest, so be careful. I doubt you should be raising your voice anyways." Ricky told Mike, "And, I don't care who you are. If you lay a finger on him I will not hesitate to kill you."

"Understood." Mike murmured.

Ricky stepped outside and I felt my heart thud when the door did the same. I wasn't looking forward to this talk, honestly. Mike sauntered over to the bed, running his hand down the comforter. He sighed as he looked at me. Here we go...

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