Chapter 36 | Michael Myers

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"You look hot." Chris teased me as I walked into the hallway.

Ricky stepped out of our room, trailing right behind me. He narrowed his eyes at Chris, "Don't push it."

"He was joking, Mr. Jealousy." I laughed, feeling his arm snake around my waist, "You know he'd never cheat on Angelo, and I'd never ever cheat on you."

Ricky grumbled something I didn't catch as he looked away from me. His arm was still on my waist, but his sights were anywhere but on me. I turned my body to grab his hips and slammed him against the wall. My lips crashed into his. At first he was non responsive, only to melt into me.

I smirked as I barely separated our lips, "I couldn't cheat, because there's nothing better than you. Okay?"

He relaxed in a sigh, "Okay."

I snickered under my breath at how cute he was. Jealousy can be cute, when it's in small doses. Ricky and I stepped back from the wall and hurried to catch up with Chris. We walked out into the living room where the others were waiting on us. Vinny's the one with the criminal mastermind for a father, and Ryan was the reject surgeon on the group. I thought it was fitting to let them figure out the plan.

They had a map spread out on the coffee table. It was hand drawn, but I trust as accurate as it could be for it's nature. The others were sitting around and waiting for their genius plan to be revealed. First they had to stop bickering.

"GUYS!" Balz shouted over them, "Mind saving your martial disputes for the bedroom?"

Ryan stared back at him, "Martial dis-"

"He's joking!" Vinny stopped him, "It's a joke. Let it go."

"Whatever." Ryan grumbled. He cleared his throat to continue, "The first thing we have to do before anything is take out the power and the backup generator. The control panel should be in plain sight in the basement. Vinny can take care of it. The cords to the backup generator might be a little tricky to find, but they should be down there. Balz, you have good eyes and you're great at destroying things, so I'll leave that up to you."

"How do we get into the basement in the first place?" Balz asked.

"That's part of the problem. There's a cellar entrance you can go through from the outside, but you'll set off the alarm. You'll have to work fast. As long as you do though, we should be fine. Once the power is down, the rest of us can raid the place. Ryan-Ashley is going to come with me to clear a path for me to get to what I need. The rest of you can have fun slaughtering people."

"Maybe we can teach Vinny how to kill." Ricky stated with a sinister smile.

"If someday we do get busted, I don't want to add more charges onto my pile." He replied.

Chris sighed theatrically, "Vinny, you've already been accessory to too many murderers to count. Plus breaking out of prison is a HUGE crime. You've already got life if you get caught again. Besides, living with us, you need to learn how to tear a man's head off."

"It's killed or be killed." I told him.

He sat on the idea, not saying anything. If he has to think about it he might not be ready. We'll see how tonight goes. Chris is right though. He needs to step up. We can't carry him though everything. You'd think he could kill easily with all the death his father brought to people.

"There is one other thing though." Ryan said, "A lot of hospitals have back up batteries in their cameras. Obviously when you get in there you can destroy them, but just to be safe I think we should wear masks."

"Kinky." Chris muttered, but I think I was the only one that caught it.

Him and I looked at each other for a moment and laughed. Then I glanced back to Ricky and he wasn't all too happy. When is he going to understand that we're just joking? Chris and I worked together in the prison for almost two years. We have a close friendship. Key word: Friendship. That's it.

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