Chapter 47 | Lost It All

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I laid in my favorite place to be; Ricky's arms. We were watching the credits roll to the end of a movie when he started to run his hand along my arm. I glanced around and realized everyone else had fallen asleep, and it was just him and I left awake.

"I can't believe how long we've managed to stay here without getting caught." He said. Ricky talked at a low tone. I assumed it was not to wake the others, but it also felt like efforts to calm me.

"We've had a couple of close calls. Mostly all my fault." I admitted.

"We've all had our share of fuck ups," He snickered, "But we recovered from them because we had each other. Listen, if they ever do find us, I don't want you to worry about me."

I lifted my head from his chest to look him in the eyes, "Ricky-"

"Please." He interrupted me, "I'll find my own way out. I don't want you to get caught because you were worrying too much about me. Just promise me?"

"I-... Okay. Only if you promise to do the same for me." I replied, "Why did you bring that up?"

"I've been meaning to mention it for awhile. I just... I don't know. Something doesn't feel right tonight and I thought I should tell you that. I also want you to know how much I love you." He said.

I buried my head against the crook of his neck, "Ricky, don't say those things. You're just being paranoid and you're going to make me paranoid."

"You have to admit, there's no way we're going to be able to be here much longer before they find us." He spoke as he held me to tight, yet so delicately.

"You're right," I muttered, "I love you too. You're the best damn thing that's ever happened to me."

Ricky kissed my forehead, "That goes both ways. Come on. Let's get to bed."

He stood up as he swept my legs off his lap. I was comfy where I was, not to mention overly tired, and didn't move. Ricky knew I wasn't getting up so he picked me up bridal style. I fell asleep before we even made it to the bed. He spoke almost as if he knew something bad would happen. I'm scared now, but I hope that he might just be worrying too much. He sits and thinks so much while he has his smokes that I'm sure he lets his mind wonder too far.

At some point in the night, I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. I still rested in my lover's arms, feeling so content. My mind was cloudy though. I understood why he said something didn't feel right, because it doesn't. Great, now I caught his paranoia. I sat up, kissing him as I did so. The clock read 3AM. I got up out of bed, only wearing my hockey jersey and girly boyshort cut underwear.

I'm sure I was a mess but I'm not going to run into anyone at this time. I walked to the kitchen and wondered over to the fridge. Fuck, I guess I'll have a glass of milk. I set the carton on the counter, then grabbed a class from the cupboard. As I turned around to the counter again, I was slightly startled to see Reese standing behind me.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her at a whisper.

She shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

I sighed, "Do you want some milk?"

"Sure." She responded.

I grabbed another glass for her. She took it after I poured the milk for her. Reese must be restless like her brother. Her and I stood in the kitchen quietly, drinking our milk without conversation. I liked this quiet. She was a bit of a blabber mouth though and she couldn't stand it.

"Why does Ryan hate me?" She suddenly asked.

"He doesn't hate you." I responded, "He just doesn't like you in a romantic way."

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