Chapter 39 | Blood is Thicker Than Water

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That has to have been the best sex I've had in a long time. Ricky and I were both satisfied, as well as tired. We weren't in the mood to kill anyone else. So, we poked around the nurses' station while waiting on the others. There wasn't much to do other than talk. Ricky started scrolling through the patient log, like there was really anything entertaining about that!

"What do you want to do when we get home?" I asked him, resting my hands along the desk behind me.

Ricky sat in a chair with his legs up on the desk. He replied, "Take a shower, again, and go to bed."

We both had taken a quick rinse in one of the hospital showers, but we could use about ten more. Blood does not come out of hair easily.

I took one of my hands and walked two of my fingers up his leg, "Maybe we could take a shower together."

"I'm too tired for a second round." He chuckled, but his laugh stopped short.

I stared in him in concern, "What's wrong?"

Ricky's eyes lingered on the page in front of him. He suddenly hopped up, setting the log book down and running off. Some thought hit him quickly. I ran after him, trying my best to keep up even though I didn't know where he was going. We turned into a corridor full of patient rooms. The majority of them had been thrown open.

He headed straight to one room and ran in through the open door. I heard Ricky yell at someone, and as I turned the corner, I saw him shove Chris into a table in the room. He fell over it, crashing hard on the ground and letting go of the girl he had in his grasp. With me in the doorway, she couldn't run out. She didn't seem like she wanted to though. Instead she jumped back on the bed and started to crawl away from us.

Ricky reached for her cautiously, "It's okay, I'm not going to let him hurt you. Reese, please."

I walked over to Chris, but continuously kept glancing back at him as he treated this girl with care. "You okay?" I asked him as I looked him over.

Chris pushed himself up into a sitting position. He sighed, "Yeah, but what the fuck is going on?"

After some convincing, Ricky got the girl to come into his arms. He hugged her and was smiling sweetly to her. What the fuck?

"I'd like to know that too." I replied, standing up, "Babe? Do you mind explaining?"

He looked back at me, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such an asshole, but when I saw her name on the nurse's log, I didn't want anything to happen to her. This is my sister, Reese."

I saw the resemblance once he said that. Her hair was blond though, which I can only assume is Ricky's natural color. It had a bit of a light curl to it, falling just bellow her shoulders. Everything else was a feminine copy of Ricky's features.

"Why is she here? In Washington?" I questioned, "I thought your family was back in Scranton."

"No, I grew up in Seattle. I moved to Scranton for my schooling. They have one of the best police academies in the country." He replied.

I looked over at Chris. He was glaring at this girl, but darted his eyes to me when he felt my stare. He let out a sigh and said nothing more. We have quite the luck when it comes to running into people, now don't we? I didn't doubt his story. I was just wondering why he never told me he grew up here. Guess I'm not the only one keeping family secrets too?

"I'm sorry. I think we got off on a bad start." I said.

"You could say that." Chris muttered, "Sorry. I would've never tried to kill you if I knew you were Ricky's sister. Does she know about... you?"

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