Chapter 27 | Set Fire to the Rain

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There was no discussion. There was no doubt. There was no hesitation. Vulnerability is a liability in our lives. There's no place for words, weakness, or regret. There was just an instinct inside each of us that we had to get out. Ricky and I quickly pulled on our clothes while Chris threw our bags together.

As Ricky got his pants buttoned up, he walked towards the door. Cautiously, he opened it very slowly. He rested his forehead against the wood and held the knob expectingly. Quietly, he spoke over his shoulder to us, "We have no chance of running. They'll follow us."

"You want to kill them?" I asked.

My words tested his thoughts, though they shouldn't have. He was the ex-fed. He knows how the mind of a cop works. In this situation, I should trust him. A tiger shouldn't question a bear in the woods, as the other wouldn't question his companion in the jungle.

"It would get them off our tales more than running would." Ricky said. "They'll have orders to shoot to kill. We need an innocent."

"You mean a hostage?" Chris asked.

He gave a slight nod and directed his eyes towards the small table in the room. "Hand me that knife." He requested, to which Chris complied.

Ricky opened the door slightly more than it had been cracked. I stepped behind him and grabbed hold of the handle to free his hand. He flashed me a thankful smile before returning his eyes to the peeping space. A moment passed, until he struck. It was like watching a snake leap for a mouse. Ricky slammed the door into me in efforts to get it open. He grabbed someone from the hall and slammed her into the wall while I hurried to get the door shut.

With the blade threatening the layers of her skin, he sneered, "Make one fucking sound and this goes in your fucking neck."

A smirk met my lips, "You're sexy when you're evil."

He laughed as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, "Thanks Baby." His smile fell back into an evil scowl as he turned his attention to his prey. "Here's how this is going to go down. These two are going to go out the back while you come with me to meet the nice cops. You're going to be a meat shield while I waste away the pigs. Then we're going to walk out back and you're going to get in our truck. Are we understood?"

The blond nodded vigorously, causing the bangs of her pixie cut to frazzle. "Wh-What are you g-going to do with me then?" She stammered.

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet." He snit. "Let's go."

Chris and I slugged our bags over our shoulders. Ricky opened the door and turned the girl in front of him. His left hand found it's way around her neck while he placed the pocket knife at the base of her back. I stole a quick kiss from him before heading out the back entrance. Ricky walked her down the hall as Chris and I broke out into the evening air.

Night was falling as quickly as the rain. It rapidly fell with heavy, thick drops. This wasn't a calm storm, and it had come on faster than a jet. That's just great. My makeup isn't waterproof either. Fabulous. We threw our bags into the bed of the truck, then pulled a tarp over it to protect it from the storm. I jumped off the back of the truck and Chris closed up the tailgate.

He got in the driver's seat while I hopped in the passenger's side. Chris started up the car, water now dripping off the front locks of his hair. I felt my body shiver from the cold rain. It was still spring; The weather had yet to have fully warmed up from the winter. I pulled down the sun visor and assessed my makeup situation. Ugh, I looked like a hot mess. My black eye shadow was now run halfway down my cheeks. It wouldn't be so bad if my foundation hadn't looked as if I was melting.

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