Chapter 46 | Bad Boys

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I knew there was no way in Hell I could convince Ricky to let that foursome be my first fuck since my back broke. He hasn't let me do much short of giving him head a few times. It's been two weeks since the semi incident, and Ryan finally gave me the okay to be more active. I still fought occasional bouts of pain. Otherwise, I was all good.

Angelo told me Chris was rather excited by the idea of sharing his bed with more than one person. They have sex more than Ricky and I do, I think. Granted they were apart for a very long time. Even when we were in prison, before Angelo was let out, they were in different cells. I'd be fucking Ricky every hour if I had to go that long without him.

Last night was amazing. That word doesn't do it justice. Feeling him inside of me, it was Heavenly. I was a dog without a bone for a long time. Every dog has their day though. It was out of this world, and I just wanted to feel that way forever. Tonight, I plan to amplify that feeling. Angelo and I have been discussing details for awhile. We were hoping Chris and Ricky would forget, so we could surprise them.

The guys were still talking as we were wrapping up dinner. I offered to do dishes and Angelo helped me. As I leaned over Ryan to grab his dirty plate, I felt a stare from across the table. Looking up, I saw Ricky and Chris both staring down my shirt. Neither realized the other was staring. Angelo leaned over Chris' shoulder to grab his plate, and that moved Chris' attention. He ran his finger tips down Angelo's cheek as he kissed his temple.

I reached across the table and grabbed Ricky's plate. He still stared down my shirt and I just laughed. Ricky so wanted to grab me and fuck me over that table then and there. He's so naughty. I finished picking up plates, as did Ange. We walked back to the kitchen and started loading the dish washer. While we did so, I could feel eyes on me every time I leaned down to the bottom wrack. Then two hands pressed onto my hips. I glanced behind myself and saw Ricky behind me.

"Any plans tonight, Beautiful?" He purred.

"Yeah, actually. Angelo and I had plans to go out." I replied.

"Oh." He frowned, "Alright. I think I'm going to watch a movie with the guys. Be safe."

I pecked Ricky's lip, then shut the dishwasher. He walked around the counter, going towards the couch where the others were waiting. I waited for Angelo to finish wiping down the table. Ryan-Ashley walked in to get a drink, and she gave me that little look of hers.

"You guys aren't going out, are you?" She whispered.

I smirked, "No, we're staying in. We've got a little surprise for our boyfriends tonight. Don't tell them."

"I won't." She muttered, then raised her voice, "He Josh, do we have any ear plugs? Something tells me we'll need them tonight."

I only giggled at her comment. She headed back into the living room. Then Angelo and I walked back to our rooms to clean up. I don't know if he had planned on it, but I did change. My normal clothes weren't good enough for tonight. Ange didn't tend to be girly though. That was just me. I curled my hair loosely. Then I thickened by black eye makeup until I turned it into a sexy smoky eye. By the time I was done with hair and makeup, Ange was already ready. Like I said, he isn't as girly as I am.

He came into Ricky and I's bedroom. Angelo always kept it simple for makeup; a light foundation and black as night eye liner. It fit him very well though. He was wearing the same black jeans as earlier, but had switched his tank top to this loose fitting black Misfits shirt. It fell off one of his shoulders, so I assume it's Chris'.

"Ryan-Ashley should be in here room now. Can you ask her to go ask Chris and Ricky to come see us?" I instructed Angelo as I changed my clothes.

"Yeah." He replied and got up.

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