Chapter 43 | Addict

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Two weeks passed, and I was going stir crazy. I haven't killed anyone in that time, which I can learn to live with. I rarely got to kill when I was in prison. However, the one thing that's breaking me to go without is sex. I don't exactly always need heavy two hour long sex, or even to be pleasured myself. I could give someone head and be satisfied, but I'm not aloud to even do that.

I've tried, trust me. Ricky almost gives into me. Then he stops me and tells me I need to watch myself. He can't learn to take chances! So what if my back could get more fucked up? It's a "could" not a "will". There's a chance I'd be fine. Ricky won't take that chance, for my own good, according to him. If he was worried he should be more worried about the fact that I can't do this much longer.

"Riiickky." I whined as I ran my hand up his leg.

He looked over at me like a mother about to tell their child to stop crying. Ricky picked up my hand and moved it back into my own lap. "No. Give it at least a few more days, please."

I sighed and stood up, "I'm going to go see what Chris is doing."

"Probably Angelo." Mike muttered.

I looked back at him with a scowl and he laughed. His little girlfriend did too. Everyone else has seemed to get over the fact that she attacked us. I still don't trust her. She seems too into her relationship with Mike. He seems to like her a lot though, so whatever floats his boat. Maybe she'll keep him leveled, or make him more crazy. Love can do that to you.

"Fine, then I'm going to go see what Balz is up to." I said.

"Him and Ryan-Ashley went out in the woods to find an animal to kill for dinner. We're running a little low on food." Vinny replied.

"Fine." I sneered, getting frustrated at this point, "I'm going to go see what Ryan is doing."

"Just watch yourself, okay?" Ricky told me lovingly, "Ryan's down in the cellar."

"Thanks, and I will." I sassed him.

Ricky rolled his eyes and relaxed back into the couch. He and the others went back to watching the movie. I do have a bit of a limp from the attack, but it's nothing I won't be able to live with. I adapt when I need to. Just like how I had to start living with the pain of my back.

The pain pills I was taking were giving me terrible nightmares. I kept having dreams of shit that's happened in my past. I'd honestly rather live with chronic pain than continuously relive my nights in the slums. I never told Ricky, about the dreams or the fact that I stopped taking the medication. The only person I told was Chris. I lied to Ryan and said I didn't need the pills anymore. He knew I was lying but doesn't fight me anymore.

Speaking of, I was in the midst of walking down to the cellar when I stopped on the narrow stairs. I heard subtle talking, but couldn't make out the words. It was just the tone that set me off. Though it hurt to lean over, I crouched down so I was just barely looking down into the cellar. The unfinished wooden steps didn't have a rail or any kind of edge to them.

I saw Ryan cleaning scalpels with a rag. Reese was leaned on the side of the table he worked at. I know that pose all too well. I've pulled it on so many men, even some women. Ryan, being the loveless sack of no emotions he was, didn't even register what she was doing. Maybe he did, and he was ignoring it. Regardless, Reese was trying her damnedest to get in his pants. That, I'm sure of. I've already noticed it on a few different occasions.

She's going about it all wrong. Ryan is not the type you should go in strong with. You have to ease him into shit. I should give her a few lessons in winning him over, because that man needs some affection in his life. He's always so stiff. Well, stiff everywhere but the one area of the body that he should be, if you catch my drift. The only problem is Ricky would kill me if I enabled his sister's whore ways. I'm going to establish that now: Reese is a slut. I figured that out just by the way she dresses and the way she carries herself. But hey, I'm a slut too and people still love me.

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