Chapter 35 | Plotting Over Pancakes

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In a weird way, we're kind of living a domesticated life. Sure at night we kidnap people and torture them in the cellar, but during the day we all live like normal people. We sit around a table for a meals, just like non-murderous folks.

Of course I get to spend my breakfast next to the most amazing man in the world. He was wearing jeans with a hoodie, but no shirt. I kind of had stolen his shirt when I woke up. Even though I'm taller than him, I'm a my lowest weight right now so it actually was just the right size, if not a tad big. The guys oddly didn't mind me having only boyshort type of underwear on for bottoms. At this point I'm more of a chick than I am a guy.

"Ghost, did you borrow one of my shirts?" Ryan-Ashley asked from the top of the stairs.

I looked over from where I sat at the kitchen table and saw her with a bra on, but still covering her chest, "Yeah. Sorry. I'll wash it before I give it back to you."

Ryan-Ashley disappeared upstairs again. Moments later she trotted downstairs, now with a shirt on. "Did you get any blood on it?" She questioned as she passed me.

I carefully pulled the piece of pancake off my fork with my teeth and chewed it as slowly as I could to avoid answering her. "Um, yeah. Not my own but I'm sorry." I muttered.

She sighed, "It's okay. Keep it then."

"Thanks. I'll get you a new one." I replied.

Ryan-Ashley started to chop up some fruit to put on her pancakes. Balz came down moments after she did. He kissed her on her cheek as he passed her in the kitchen, then sat down with us to eat. Ricky watched this scene play out. He raised his class of orange juice to his lips and gave me a curious look.

"What?" I innocently questioned.

He took a heavy swallow, then horsely spoke, "Are you scared of her?"

"No." I sneered, appalled that he'd suggest it. Then I broke my initial reaction because I can't lie to him, "A little bit. It's a healthy fear though. Women are scary creatures."

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." He chuckled.

"Especially one that's an axe murderer." Balz said, just as she came to sit at the table. Ryan-Ashley leaned over him to set his plate in front of him, and he wrapped his arm around her waist, "A beautiful axe murderer, but at the end of the day still an axe murderer."

"Why do they call it an axe murderer?" Vinny pondered aloud, "Like, you don't call people knife murderers or gun murderers or poison murderers."

Ryan turned his head to the side, "Is that the type of shit you think about all the time?"

I laughed at their banter. Ricky was admiring me and I could totally see it out of the corner of my eye. When I looked over and busted him, he acted like nothing happened. I reached over and pinched him in his side. He jumped back like a cat and I just smiled at my little raccoon.

"Speaking of poison though, it is kind of nice to not have to worry about Mike poisoning our food." Vinny stated.

The happiness Ricky had brought me faded at the mention of my old friend, "He couldn't help it. It was impulse."

"Why did he want to poison people if he was a cannibal? Wouldn't the poison kill him when he ate the person he poisoned?" Vinny questioned.

"Yeah. Like I said, impulse. It's what he subconsciously wanted." I muttered.

"You don't really understand because you aren't a killer, but a lot of murderers, the one person they want to kill but can't is themselves." Ricky said, "They know it's the coward's way out, so they don't, but I met a lot killers that came close to killing themselves in their plots. A lot of them want to die because, well it get's them away from the people that they hate so badly they killed them, but the mind understands when it's betraying it's own kind."

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