Chapter 34 | Wounds

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It felt like forever waiting on Ryan. He seemed agitated when he did show, but he always has that somber pissed look on his face. That girl was still alive, much to my shock. She was fighting him as he dragged her by her hair.

"Why are you guys still down here?" He asked as he continued towards a table on the opposite side of the room as us. He shook her a little, "Can you shut up?!"

"We've been waiting on you." Chris responded.

"Ricky needs help." I said, "He was shot in his arm the other day. The bullet is still in there."

Ryan groaned as he lugged the fighting girl onto a table, "I'll be there in a second. Chris, can you come tie her down and gag her for me?"

"Yeah." He replied and drifted over to the other table.

Once Chris was there to deal with the hitchhiker, Ryan turned his attention towards us. He stopped by at a sink that was against the wall. After washing the wood's dirty off of his hands, lower arms, and face, he approached us. He flicked on a light that hung over the table Ricky sat on.

Ryan's face twisted in disgust as he looked down at the ground. Blood from the girl I killed was running along the floor. "Can you clean up Ghost's mess too?" He asked Chris.

"I'm not your bitch, Sitkowski." He snit in return.

Ryan sighed, "Please?"

"Fine." Chris jokingly whined, then followed it up with a snicker.

He rolled his eyes before focusing on the situation at hand. Ryan pulled off the dressing on Ricky's wound. He examined it before speaking, "That's not that bad. It's not deep. I don't have anything to numb the area though, so pulling it out is going to hurt."

"You don't have any anesthesia either?" I asked.

"No." He stated.

"I could always knock him out." Chris said from across the room.

"You're not punching my boyfriend!" I retaliated.

Ryan shook his head, "We'll just have to do it raw. Although Chris, if you do want to punch someone, knock out that loud bitch."

She had been struggling through her gag the entire time. It was annoying but I tried to ignore it. Chris took her face in his hand and slammed her head into the table she was strapped to. He cracked his knuckles afterwards, then continued on the chores Ryan had assigned him. I'll owe him one now, for cleaning up my mess like this. Chris seems to be very understanding of my relationship with Ricky.

I had to stay with him through this. It is my fault, after all. This would have never happened if I wasn't so selfish. Thinking back on it, Ricky was really sorry about what he did. I could tell he regretted it, but I was so mad I didn't stop to think. If I was protecting and trusting him like I should, he wouldn't have gotten shot.

Ryan went around the room and collected a few things. When he came back, he handed me a flashlight. He told Ricky to reposition so his legs were pulled up on the table, criss crossed, and his side was facing us. Ryan made me hold the light over the wound, but I still had one free hand that I gave Ricky to hold. When the antibacterial was dumped in there, I thought Ricky was going to break my hand.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"It's okay," I formed a smile, "I'm sure it hurt a lot more when you got shot."

"Honestly, it was such an in the moment thing that I wasn't even thinking about the pain." Ricky said.

"You also had adrenaline on your side then." Ryan commented.

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