♦18♦ - Define "Love"

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I recall my presumption on what love was. I thought it was a luxury, or something that only came to the lucky people. That is why I never paid attention to it.

It was not something I could buy, and I was not very lucky. Therefore, I had no use for love, and it had no part in my life. I only felt it when I was around my mother, in that love-filled essence that make me ecstatic to be around her.

But other than that, I did not care about love. It caused vulnerability, weakness... It stripped me of the armor that was my façade, so what would I do if I was truly in love?

How would I know what it would feel like if I wound up in love? Would a zing go off? Would my brain tell it to me? Would the moon shine a different color just for me?

I realized I did have a use for love. I did not understand it fully. I could not waste such a vast emotion without divulging into its sole purpose.

It brought peace. Kindness. Saviors.

Love was more than just false sex, the image my molesters implanted in me. None of that was love. That was manipulation.

Like before, love was peaceful, kind, and brought guidance. I began to love love. I began to love love for what it gave me.

Because it gave me Yuichiro Amane.

A peace, a kindness, and he was my savior.

Naww Mika's got a crush ;u;

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