♦54♦ - Close and Far

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Mika was nearly gone a whole month. I was dying with every stretching second he was absent. I annoyed my mother in her room again since I hated falling asleep by myself. She got tired of me real quick because "I snore."

Mika didn't have a problem! Hence why I could always sleep next to his beautiful being... Either that or he was secretly plotting my death as well.

But seriously, I was dying of loneliness. I mean, I got pretty lonely. Emotionally and - humiliatingly - physically. And what I mean by that is explained embarrassingly below:

So Mika would call me every so often through his mother's phone, since he hadn't had his repaired, to check up on me and let me know how he was doing and how much he missed me. It was a sweet thing and it faintly cured my deficiency of him, but of course I was still quite low.

One of the times he happened to ring me up was during "desperate times and desperate measures." Who in the actual world could blame me with my lack of Mika for a whole month?

And the bathroom stall incident basically summed me up when it came to this. Finishing the job was basically a pathetic must.

"That is some really heavy breathing..." he just had to point out. The TV failed me at drowning most of it out.

"You called me at such perfect timing, in my defense," I retorted sarcastically, hearing him laugh.

"Hey, it is quite late at night and my mother went out with that Ash guy to go get groceries," he explained with such a sweet voice. "I was really missing you..."

That turned me on even more. "You're just teasing."

"No... I do. I miss you holding me..."

He basically dirty-talked me the whole time which I couldn't classify into a good or bad thing. I mean, my mother left me alone and it was just the two of us pretty much. Either way it helped a lot and he couldn't get totally mad at me for catching me like this.

"Mika, I swear, you could narrate the damn Declaration of Independence and make it sound so sexual without even intending to," I had told him after I lay exhausted on the bed.

He giggled, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."

"Talk that history to me," I joked, making him erupt in laughter.

"Perv... Night, Yuu."

"Goodnight, Mika."

My mother reminded me that my birthday was arriving in two days, a.k.a. my twenty-first. Now I could've finally drank with the public being morally okay with it. Like, who was I kidding - my mom and dad used to sneak me stuff all the time.

But my birthday was also my opportunity to ask for more video games.

Yeah, I wasn't one of those "nah, I don't want anything; I'm too old for that" boring assholes. If it was my birthday, you can best bet I'm asking for shit. Especially since I hadn't been job searching yet. I was going to get on with it eventually and help Mika as well when he was ready to work again.

Mom took me out with her to get some supplies for Terminator and that was my opportunity to get her a spiked collar.

"Yeah, try putting that shit on her, see where it gets you," my mom muttered as we stood in the checkout.

"It'll get me far, you pessimist."

I almost considered the kitten battle armor in the tiny Halloween section they'd set up.

She nearly got half the mall's entire attention as we left the store, groaning loudly as she plopped down on a bench.

"Was that necessary, mother," I rhetorically asked, joining her.

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