Excerpt 3 ♦ Soirée D'amour

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Disclaimer; Very heavy erotica with strong language 🌚 If it makes you uncomfortable, it is completely up to you to skip this excerpt ;)

Let me give you an update on "The Marvelous Adventures of Mika and Yuu" by yours truly, Yuichiro. Then we'll delve into a more present-night endeavor shared between Mika and I that was the most meaningful and personal time between us in existence to me.

You guessed it: We made love. But this was different. Very different in many ways, the most important way being Mika's surefire comfortability with his body in my care. Oh, this experience was amazing. Incredible. Mind-blowing for me. It gave me an ironic warming chill when I reminisced of it. Lewd and delicious... I'd seen all new sides of Mika, appreciated even more than I'd ever had in a time like that... People opinionize many different things about the best sensation you'd ever feel...

I guess I had to throw in my own opinion and say it was being trusted. And not just regular old trust. This trust was sensual, bodily trust. And the reason it meant so much to an average ol' guy like me was because Mika had once been so scarred about such an activity, but trusted me and gave me all of him on a night. Everything. It was just... Beautiful. I will soon describe it.

But back to business. Almost there, ladies. And dudes.

In our new home, we had pros and cons.


It was spacey.
We had no drafts.
We had a mesmerizing view of the spacious grassy plain that dipped into the city.
Our neighbors were high all of the time; therefore, Mika and I had our own reasons to be how we were.

Exhibit A: Mika and I often hollered old school rock like maniacs while we painted the exterior of our house. Either that or we were loudly hammering something. Construction stuff.

Fellow high neighbor: "What are y'all up to? Ya sound like apes."

Mika and I: "You smoke marijuana nonstop. It's commensalism."

It didn't take long for them to start to dislike their fellow white neighbors, us.

Our room was the only one finished out of the total house renovation we needed to complete. But then again, it was the only thing important.

Mika could enjoy his reading time in it - which he loved to do a lot now - and I could play video games. Luckily Mika was anti-electronic for the most part, so we never argued over the TV.

We soon began to acknowledge the constant starvation plague infesting our house, so someone had to learn to cook. And fast.

Mika didn't say "not it" quickly enough. Plus he was an adorable chef.

We started off with Mac n cheese for weeks straight until Mika mastered it. Note: I grew tired of it within four days. Then I ate it again after it was perfected and bowed to him. Then we moved onto lunch foods, breakfast foods, salads, and then he was ecstatic to learn about pasta.

No surprise.

Either way, we were eating and Mika and I soon had to share the TV so he could watch some cooking shows.

Swears often echoed from the kitchen to our room as he tried to prepare a new meal. I would just smile and shake my head, holler if he needed help, and then hear him nervously claim that he "had it."

Just for the record, Mika was serious about that cooking. I mean - before, I just used to do dirty things and distract him. I'd pinch his butt or caress his waist. No-go. He'd off me with a cooking utensil (even knives, only butterknives though), sassing me from the perimeter. He once fenced me from the entire corridor with a spatula.

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