♦57♦ - Full Circle

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The way Mika became stronger in his mentality had regrettably been the worst. He had to be broken to the very bits before getting any tougher.

It was as if life thought he hadn't had enough already. But it still happened, and there was no altering it.

But for as long as I knew Mika - which was the rest of my life - it was the last time he was ever hurt so ruthlessly. It was like ripping off the last bandage.

Although this particular bandage shielded a part that was deeply crucial. Stuck a little stronger. It was almost like a bone.


Just the night before, it was merely like another one of those average nights. We happened to look for houses or apartments so we could get out of my mother's way.

And finally have uninterrupted sex.

My mother had a girlfriend in replacement of me to help her out. Her girlfriend was stupefyingly kind - short cute brunette with quite a big chest and gray eyes - making me wonder how on earth my mother wound up with her. But she tolerated her mother bear-ness.

The searching was often such a pain in the ass. Sometimes I'd find a pretty decent location, but then Mika would just shoot it down as soon as he saw the bedrooms or the bathrooms.

"Mika, it's not gonna stay like forever. We're gonna renovate it and stuff."

"That bed looks like it has freaking roaches in the mattress!"

"We'll bring my own!"

"Look at those floors, though, babe. What? What even are those?"

"For fucks-- Mika, I'm going to fix it!"

Then he would consider it only briefly before telling me to skip it.

"One of these days, you will be cooperative," I yawned as I closed my laptop for the ninth time in a row of days of unsuccessful searching. I felt like browsing and closing was my profession.

Afterward I'd suggest some ridiculous idea that either made him laugh or mad.

"There's always my dad's apartment." I joked one time. That made him laugh. He didn't know my dad well, but he knew he probably wouldn't tolerate how often we had sex.

"There's always the streets." That one made him mad. I probably shouldn't have said it because it hit close to home, considering it was his home briefly.

He didn't get completely mad, but just ticked off at the suggestion. But he didn't stay mad at me forever. He just slept the other way that night.

I still held him close to me so I could snuggle him.

Finally, the time came where he was broken for the last time. The day arrived in the blink of an eye.

Mika had lost his mother on an early morning in spring - a true smack right to the face. He felt it coming, saw it as if it were in slow motion. It was just that morning, it was like the reality had finally collided with his face.

And it left the biggest welt.

Leading up to that day, the visits to see her did seem more silent, more serene yet ominous. She napped a lot more, asked Mika and I to tell her our story of how we met - it was like a final lullaby. Each visit, the story would continue, like reopening to where you left off.

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