Chapter Twelve: Lost Girls Part II

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"Are you honestly just going to let her leave?" Holly demanded as she turned back to Damon who wasn't even moving an inch to stop Vicki. "She's in transition, she could hurt somebody."

"Relax," an easy smirk appeared on his face. "Hopefully, it won't be somebody you know, keep your fingers cross. Or who knows maybe it will be Jeremy that should take care of your problems."

Holly narrowed her eyes at him. She wished that she knew enough magic to put him in his place. To tell him that it wasn't ok for him to mess with her family or her town. She grabbed her purse and headed towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Damon demanded.

"Someplace where I don't have to see you." She scowled. "And do me a favor, the second Stefan gives you, your ring back, leave. You will be doing all of us a favor."

"Ouch." Damon pretended to winced. "Look who went out and got all tough. Not that I mind, I find it completely sexy when you're all hot and bothered."

"Hey, what's going on?" Holly asked as soon as she stepped into her house. She took a step back slightly perplexed when she saw Matt and Jeremy hovering over Vicki. Stefan was instructing them to take her upstairs and close the blinds.

"She's in transition." Elena whispered to her and Holly was glad that her sister was talking to her post witch.

"Yeah, I know." Holly clutched her bag. "I went to visit Damon and he very happily gave me the news of Vicki's transition."

Elena's eyebrows furrowed. "Damon did this, why?"

"Because he's Damon." Stefan said as he looked up the stairs. "Which means he's doesn't want anybody else to be happy if he's unhappy. Vicki is in transition and sooner or later she's going to have to make a choice of whether she wants to live as a vampire . . . or die."

"She needs blood to complete the transition right?" Holly asked for clarification.

Stefan nodded.

Elena's eyes widened as she looked up the stairs. "She's with Jeremy and Matt right now! We can't let anybody near her, she could hurt them!"

Holly grasped her sister's arm. "Elena, its fine Jeremy and Matt will be fine-"

Elena pulled away. "How do you know? Holly, how can you possibly know that? Is this another one of your witchy things? Because I really don't appreciate it, not right now."

Holly's mouth set into a thin line and she was about to argue when they saw Vicki run down the stairs and close the door behind her.

Matt came down a second later. "I don't know what happened to her, one minutes she was fine-I'm going to look for her."

"I'll go with you." Stefan decided as he pulled Holly into the hallway. "Holly, I'm going to need you to do a locator spell."

"What?" Holly asked. "How am I supposed to do that? Grams, is out of town and I barely started witch courses 101, I'm sorry Stefan I can't-"

"Yes, you can," he said looking over his shoulder at an impatient Matt. He put Vicki's bracelet in her hand. "Just try, text me when you locate her."

Elena placed candles in a circle around Holly in the living room. Holly was sitting in the middle of the living room, anxiously flipping through Grams grimore. There was a map of Mystic Falls in the middle along with Vicki's bracelet. She lit the candles. "Are you sure this will work?"

"It has to work." Holly said as she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate as Sheila had told her too. "We don't exactly have many options left." She said the spell aloud and didn't stop even when Elena said. "The bracelet it's moving."

After a few more seconds of chanting Holly opened her eyes again. She searched on the map, the spell had work. The bracelet had stopped at the cemetery. "Call Stefan. Tell him that Vicki is at the cemetery."

While Elena texted Stefan the doorbell rang and Holly stood up to answer feeling giddy that she had complete her first location spell successfully. She wasn't too happy with her visitor however. "Sorry, I make it a habit not to talk to the local murderer in town."

She was about to close the door, when Damon pushed it open. "Nobody will blame you, I am quite charming. Where's my brother? Hello, Elena."

"He's not here." Elena replied trying to keep her voice from trembling. "Leave."

Damon looked amused. "You're scared of me. I like it, though your sister seems to have missed the lesson. Vampires can kill you, honey."

"I know what they can do, honey," Holly snapped back. "Now get out of my house and leave my family alone. Don't you have a sorority to crash?"

"Oh, come on Holly don't look at me with your judgy little eyes it's not cute." Damon smirked. "Trust me, the girl is going to thank me for what I did to her."

"Did you thank Katherine?" Elena demanded.

Damon paused. "Got the whole life story huh."

"I got enough."

Damon shrugged. "Tell, Stefan I'm looking for him, oh and be careful who you invite in the house. Lots of psychopaths out there."

When Damon closed the door Holly waited for a few minutes before she grabbed her jacket.

"Hey, where are you going?" Elena cried out.

"I'm going to find Vicki, I don't trust Damon with her." She closed the door. "Be safe all right?"

"Vicki, Vicki, its ok." Stefan whispered as he tried to calm down a crying Vicki. "It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok. I'm going to help you, but listen to me, you must not feed."

Vicki nodded. "Am I going to be ok? Can I got home? I want to see Matt."

Stefan nodded. "It's going-"he heard gunshots and three wooden bullets landed in Stefan's chest. He let out a gasp and Logan approached him, holding a gun.

"No!" Vicki screamed.

Damon suddenly appeared biting Logan in the neck, blood dripping everyone until he fell unconscious. "Tasty." He pulled out the bullet from Stefan's chest without the least of gentleness. "Wooden bullets. They know. Besides if anybody is going to kill you, it's going to be me and you better get me back my ring." He eyed the way that Vicki was looking at Logan's bloody neck before sinking her fangs into his neck. "Would you look at that we have a new playmate?"

"I'm sorry," Vicki chocked out. Her face covered with blood. "I'm so sorry."

"Opps." Damon smirked.

"Vicki! Stefan!" Holly came running towards them holding a flashlight and yelling at the top of her lungs. She stopped short when she saw Vicki crouched over Logan's body. "Vicki-"

Damon pressed her against a tree a few feet away. "Yeah, you need to leave before a) you get shot to death or b) Vicki eats you. What the hell are you doing here, Holly?"

"I just wanted to make sure everything was ok," Holly tried to look over Damon's shoulder. "She's a vampire now, isn't she?"

Damon didn't respond, he just stared at her for a moment. "Yeah, we need to leave," he tugged on her arm. "Come on."

"I'm a witch." Holly blurted out as she followed Damon.

"Yeah, I know." Damon said without a hint of surprise as he turned back towards her. "So do me a favor Sabrina and learn more spells before you run towards danger again, got it?"

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