Chapter 45

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Olivia’s POV

I woke up in the Hospital Wing with a throbbing pain in my shoulder. I was confused for a few minutes, not remembering how I got there. The last thing I can remember is George leaning over me, saying something I couldn’t make out, and then, nothing.

But then I thought of all the blood. That was a nasty hit I took. I probably bled that much because it was so close to my neck… or because I broke every bone in my arm. Well, it felt like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if I actually had. I know I saw one of the bones had broken through the skin. It was extremely painful. I probably passed out.

I looked around the room and saw that I was totally alone. I looked out the window, noticing the lack of light. It was pitch black. That would explain it. I looked to the little table next to me and saw a gold little ball. The snitch.

I smiled and sat up. I had forgotten I won the game. I heard a faint whimper and looked down to see a shaggy black dog. “What are you doing here Sirius?” I whispered and reached down. But it moved my right shoulder and it hurt a lot.

I hissed in pain and sat back. “You aren’t supposed to be moving a lot.” I looked up quickly and saw Madame Pomfrey coming over. Doesn’t she ever sleep? She didn’t have her usual clothing on… She stopped in front of me and looked back and forth. When she didn’t see anyone, she smiled at me and reached up to her face. And took off my glasses.

I watched as the short image of Madame Pomfrey turned to the tall figure of George. He placed them on the table next to the snitch and sat next to my arm. “Those glasses are so cool.” He said. He looked at me and his eyes landed on my shoulder and his smile fell. He looked pained when he turned back to me. “I am extremely sorry. I was aiming at a chaser and-”

I leaned toward him and kissed him, effectively stopping him from speaking. “It’s okay, I’m fine.” I said. He nodded, looking down. His eyes widened when he saw Sirius.

“What is he doing here?” he asked and looked at me.

I smiled. “Can’t he come and check on me? Why are you here?”

He smiled and patted Sirius’ head. “I needed to see you. I feel too guilty to sleep.”

I sighed. “George, it was not your fault. Bludgers go wherever they want to go. I know you didn’t aim at me, and I know it was an accident. Stop beating yourself up about it, okay?”

He nodded. I smiled and kissed him again. “You should sleep, Olivia.” He said with a smile. I sighed and laid down. “Are you gonna leave?” I asked, yawning.

He shrugged. “Eventually.” He said and smiled. I closed my eyes and was out in a few minutes.

George’s POV

Olivia looks very peaceful when she sleeps. Lately she's been looking kind of streesed, but that went away while she slept.

I stayed longer than I thought I would, watching her, feeling like a stalker, and talking to Sirius. He had changed from the dog and was sitting on the bed next to Olivia. He had told me that he was glad that Olivia had a friend like me. But if I was a good friend, I wouldn’t have hit her. Stupid bludger. How did it go for her, out of everyone?

Sirius kept telling me it wasn’t my fault, and I think Sirius isn’t that bad of a guy. He’s helpful and kind.

It was starting to lighten outside when I decided to head back to the common room. I was tired. Good thing today was Sunday. As soon as I got in there I took the glasses off and felt myself change back.

As I looked around the room, I saw I wasn’t alone. But I was glad it was someone I wanted to talk to. “Where have you been George?” Fred asked from the couch.

Olivia Potter *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now