Imagine 2: Premiere Night Part 2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Alfie, Zoe, and I were now on our way to the huge event. On the way there, Zoe and I sang along to the radio. I was so excited the whole way. It's just so amazing how it's Joe and Caspar's time to shine on the big screen for the first time ever. Who ever thought these two fools would end up being movie stars? Not me.

We arrived at the red carpet. It made my heart skip a beat when I realised I was going to walk down that red carpet. For a second, I totally forgot that I was YouTuber, so there would be tons of fans freaking out because of my presence.

Everything in my life is just surreal. I have an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends, and an amazing job. Sometimes, I need to do a reality check because everything happens too quickly. If you blink, you miss everything. That's how life is in my view.

We got out the car and walked to the designated area to start walking down the red carpet. My heart started pounding once I took my first step. Many fans were screaming my name. It's insane how they are screaming for me.

"Oh my God, (Y/N)! I love you so much! Can you sign my phone case?" a girl squealed as I gave her a smile.

"Aww! Thank you so much!" I said, signing her mint phone case. She smiled and I waved goodbye. I took a ton of selfies with all the different fans. They were all so sweet. It's really cool to see
the people that watch my videos behind a screen. It's incredible. I love it.

I was supposed to get interviewed by the on and only Mr. Jim Chapman. Waving at fans from a distance, I walked over to where Jim was at. The camera man gave us the point that meant it was on us now.

"Hello everyone! We are now joined with the wonderful (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" Jim announced, making the crowd go wild. I smiled, waving at everyone.

"Hey there, Jim!" I responded.

"So of course, you are Joe's girlfriend. Can you believe that he is now going to be a movie star?" Jim asked as I thought to myself for a quick second.

"It's insane! If someone told 13 year old me I was going to be dating a super cute and loving movie star, I would of told them they were full on insane!" I laughed with Jim.

"Well, I'm going to let you take your seat in the theatre because it is insanely cold out here, so everyone make some noice for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" Jim said through the microphone before tons of people started screaming again.

I walked into the theater filled with tons of people already. It's annoying how we didn't get to see Joe and Caspar make their grand entrance. Oh well. I met eyes with Joe. He instantly walked over to me.

"Hey gorgeous. You come her often?" Joe chuckled in my ear.

"Nah. I don't go to my boyfriend's move premiere that often!" I giggled with Joe as he pecked me on the cheek. We walked around the area, chatting with different people. Eventually, Joe and Caspar had to go to their designated spots at the front of the theatre.

I was sat in the middle of Zoe and Louise. It still blows my mind that two boys who are such a huge part of my life are going to be on the big screen. They have gone so far, and they deserve every bit of this. Before I knew it, the film started.

Throughout the film, I was just laughing my face off. Those two really know how to be very entertaining. The film ended, and everyone started clapping. Joe and Caspar said their thanks and we were off. Zoe and I were just talking about the film when I felt someone grab my arm. I looked to see it was Joe with Caspar beside him.

"Oh my gosh! Hey! The film was great! I loved it so freaking
much!" I smiled, pecking Joe on the lips and wrapping Caspar in a tight hug.

"Thanks!" the two said at the same time. The three of us walked out the theatre and hopped into a car. I was staying at the hotel with them for the night. In the car, we just laughed about random things that happened in the film.

After about a half hour, we got to the hotel. We took the lift to get the room. Caspar openned the door with his key and we were in. It was so fancy. And a mess. I wonder why... not.

"Damn, this room looks so cool, excluding the fact that it's a mess," I giggled, picking up a pair of pants off the floor.

"Hey we were in a rush!" Caspar defended, picking his shirt up off the ground as well.

"I like how all of the clothes on the floor are yours, Caspar," Joe laughed, taking a seat on the couch.

"These boxers are yours, Mr. Sugg!" I laughed, fake gagging, throwing them over to Joe. Joe just laughed.

"Did you bring my clothes?" I asked, kicking off my extremely high heals off.

"Yeah, it's in my suitcase in the bedroom," Joe said as I nodded my head and got my clothes. I grabbed the tank top and pajamas out. I washed my body and wiped all my makeup away.

I walked out to see Joe and Caspar laying on the beds. Joe and I had to share the tiny single bed. We realised that this wouldn't be the most comfortable sleep we would have, but it's still a bed. Joe got up to go change whilst I jus used my phone.

He came back out and we were going to sleep now. Joe slept in the middle because he insisted. He wrapped his warm, strong arms around my body. I felt safe around Joe. He made me happy.

"Good night, movie stars."

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