Imagine 25: The Phone's Fault

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THANKS FOR 4K VEIWS! That's literally insane! xxx

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Hurry up, (Y/N)! Joe whined as I put my last bobby pin into my hair, keeping my bun in place.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I responded before sliding my boots on. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran up the stairs to reveal Joe sitting on the couch.

"That took a century," Joe said under his breath. I imediately elbowed Joe in the arm while laughing. We walked out of the apartment and into the taxi. Joe and I had to get some nice clothes for my sister's wedding. I hate dresses, but my sister is making me wear a dress. The problem is I don't own any dresses. That's why we're shopping.

"Thank you," Joe said, paying the driver once we arrived at the shopping center. Joe and I walked out with our hands intertwined. There it was. The familiar loud noises that belong to screaming children, loud teenagers, and upset shoppers. This is just one of the reasons why I don't go shopping like all the other females my age.

"Where are we going first?" Joe asked me as I looked around the shopping center for somewhere to start. All of those stores looked basically the same.

"Uh, I don't know what stores have good dresses," I confessed still looking around the shopping center.

"Maybe you should call Zoe. She definitely knows good places for dresses," Joe suggested before I nodded my head. I reached into my bag to realize my phone wasn't there.

"For fuck's sake," I cursed under my breath, looking through all the pockets in my bag and coat.

"I forgot my phone," I whined in frustration.

"You can text Zoe from my phone," Joe responded. Joe handed me his phone, and I texted Zoe. I was still pissed that I left my phone. Zoe said to try some dresses from Bella's Boutique (Obviously made up). Joe and I started to walk to Bella's Boutique, but being without my phone felt so weird. It kind of put me in a bad mood which is extremely weird because it's just a phone.

"Love, can you walk a bit more faster?" Joe asked.

"Can you not annoy me like crazy?" I questioned. It's like since I didn't have my phone with me, I was acting way different.

"Sorry," Joe said under his breath. I instantly felt extremely guilty for saying that.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood," I apologized as we neared Bella's Boutique.

"It's fine. I can't stay pissed at you forever," Joe chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist. We looked around, looking for something nice. Finally, I found a dress that was adorable and looked somewhat comfortable. I looked through the rack for my size, but I couldn't find a dress with my size. I sighed in utter annoyance. Joe started to help me find a dress with my size. Sadly, we couldn't find any.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I whined after I gave up.

"We should ask a one of the ladies at the cash register," Joe suggested. I nodded my head in agreement and made our way to the cash register. There were two women using their phones there. Once they saw Joe and I walking over, they straightened their posture, and one of them even pulled their shirt down to show more cleavage. For some reason, it was like Joe didn't even see that happening.

"Hey, do you have this dress in a (Y/S) (Your size)?" Joe asked, holding up the dress.

"Um, Daisy. Can you go check in the back?" one of the women questioned.

"Actually, I thought maybe you should go check the back," the girl who pulled her shirt down a while ago argued. These little sluts were arguing about who would get to stay and talk to my man. I awkwardly cleared my throat before one of the women sighed and went to the back. Joe and I just awkwardly stood there while the the woman who was left behind did "work". She was just picking stuff off the ground and made sure her ass was right in our faces.

"Can you not do that?" I said in annoyance. The woman looked at me.

"Do what?" she asked, trying to play innocent. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop sticking your ass up like that and all that. This is my boyfriend," I said, emphasizing my. Usually, I wouldn't really stand up for myself. I usually don't say anything when things like this happens.

"I can do what I want," she defended herself.

"Go ahead. Do anything you want, but you should go back your shit up away from my boyfriend," I responded. Joe's grip on my waist was tighter. I looked at Joe who was just now starting to catch on with what was going on. He just realized. Ugh, boys.

"Pshhh. I bet your so called boyfriend is just with you because he's sorry for you. I mean, I even feel bad for you. You're just not pretty. There's nothing I can do about that," the girl said. I was so pissed. This little bitch was dragging me right here. I was about to jump over the counter, but Joe grabbed me.

"You're a sick little bitch! My boyfriend loves me and I know that for a fact. If my heels weren't so expensive, I would have shoved it up your vagi-" I spoke before Joe covered my mouth with his hands.

"I love my girlfriend, and there is nothing you can do about that. You're just jealous. My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. You are nothing compared to my girlfriend. Forget the dress. We're leaving," Joe defended me before he passionatey kissed me, grabbing my ass in front of the cashier and walked out the store. We started walking past the store.

"You want to go back in there and kick her ass, huh?" Joe questioned, chuckling a bit. I nodded my head.

"Be free, beautiful," Joe chuckled before I ran back into that store and gave her a peice of my mind. Let's just say I'm banned from the shopping center for half a year. Hey, it's the phone's fault.

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