Imagine 13: Rich

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A/N: This is more of the weirder imagines I've written for several reasons.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Joe, Lilly is crying again!" I said as I pored myself some coffee. Lilly is Joe and I's newborn baby girl.

"Mummy, daddy said he's busy," Evie said as she ran up the stairs of our mansion. Yes, we have a mansion. Joe and Caspar Hit The Road exploded, and the two had a huge reality T.V. show that even passed Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Joe and Caspar were and still are some of the most recognizable people in the world.

Joe isn't the only successful one in the house. I'm the hottest Victoria's Secret top model. My body is plastered on literally every Victoria's Secret advertisement. People wonder how I have two children and still remain a huge part of Victoria's Secret, but I don't even know how I manage to keep in shape. I have never had plastic surgery like all the other models.

In addition to this, I started appearing more on Checking On Jaspar, Joe and Caspar's reality T.V. show, more often, and I started to slay the reality T.V. business. I'm now also one of the most recognizable people. I even have more followers on Instagram than Kim Kardashian, so suck on that, Kim!

"Evie, tell your daddy to come here right now," I responded, sipping the coffee. Evie ran down the stairs before running back up with Joe. He was being followed by his camera crew.

"Love, can you go check on Lilly for me. I'm extremely tired. We had a photoshoot at work today," I said as I hopped onto the couch.

"Sure thing, peaches," Joe said as I just giggled. Joe has always called me corny names like that ever since we met at that Victoria's Secret fashion show Ariana Grande got hit in the face at. Joe walked up to me after the show and called me sexy as fuck and cupcake. We ended up having a one night stand, but we saw each other again at my cousin's birthday party, and we dated for three years, got married, had Evie, and had Lilly. Evie and Lilly are four years apart.

"Mommy! What are these? I found them on daddy's work desk," Evie said as I instantly looked at her. She was holding a condom pack.

"Oh, that's nothing sweetheart," I lied as I tried to get it out of her hand, but she wouldn't give it to me. She openned the pack and revealed the condom.

"Evie! Give it to me!" I said as she ran around the living room, giggling her face off.

"Why does it look like daddy's thingy?" Evie giggled as she ran through the mansion. How the hell is she able to run so far without stopping?

"Evie, give that to me!" I screamed as I realized how out of shape I was. How the fuck am I a successful lingerie model? She eventually slew down and stopped in Lilly's fairytale themed room where Joe and the camera crew were. Evie had the condom sticking onto her forehead. The camera crew immediately turned the cameras at Evie and I. There goes the haters. I can practically hear them yelling at me, saying I'm a bad mom.

"Kitten, why does Evie have that on her forehead?" Joe trailed off as I awkwardly took the condom off Evie's forehead.

"Long story short, don't leave your 'stuff' on your desk," I responded, emphasizing stuff.

It was now dinner time, and I made some spaghetti. We were all sat at the table. The camera crew leaves around 5:00, so they were already gone. Sometimes, I just want those stupid cameras to turn off. Why did I decide to be a reality T.V. star? I was feeding Lilly her milk when there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, it's Caspar, Oli, and their so called girlfriends. It's obvious they're just two sluts Caspar and Oli picked up from the clubs," Joe explained.

"Language, Sugg!" I scolded Joe as he chuckled a bit before opening the door to reveal Caspar, Oli, and their sluts. I mean "girlfriends".

"What does sluts mean?" Evie giggled as everyone laughed their faces off. I even laughed a bit.

"Caspar and Oli's girlfriends. Don't tell them I said that," I whispered and laughed at the same time. Evie giggled and nodded her head.

"Hey, Caspar," I smiled, wrapping my arms around Caspar. I eyed his girlfriend of the week. Once again, slim, blonde, and she might as well be naked because she's showing literally more than half of her ass, and literally a fourth of her nipples are showing. That's just a whole new level of slut, and I'm the Victoria's Secreet model who used to fuck every hot guy she saw. I was a slut, but atleast I actually covered my body.

"Hey, Oli," I greeted Oli as I looked his girlfriend of the week, and she actually looked different than all the other girls. She wasn't blonde, she didn't have huge boobs that were bigger than my face, and she actually covered her body.

"She looks like a good one," I whispered in Joe's ear as he nodded his head in agreement.

"This is Christina Fern. She's also a Victoria's Secret model," Caspar explained as I mentally rolled my eyes. I saw her eying Joe up and down, and Joe saw as well. Joe pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist to him to show he was taken. In my mind, I was like "GO FUCK YOURSELF! THIS HOT ASS HUNK IS MINE, BITCH!"

"Keep your eyes to yourself. I can get rid of you in seconds," I taunted Christina before she walked away with Caspar.

"No worries, old ass," Christina responded.

"I'm 26!" I defended myself as she walked away, swaying her hips back and fourth.

"This is Riley. She's a barista who works at Starbucks," Oli said as I smiled. I liked this girl she was simple. As for Christina, I could've sworn she rolled her eyes. I got some plates of spaghetti for everyone else, and we all talked.

"Mommy. Daddy. I'm sleepy," Evie announced once she finished her food.

"Oh, okay," Joe said as he picked up our gorgeous daughter.

"We'll be back. We're just going to put the girls to bed," I announced as I picked up Lilly. Joe and I brought the girls to their rooms. I rocked Lilly asleep and laid her in her crib. I walked into Evie's My Little Pony themed room to see Joe tickling Evie. I took a quick video to post on my Instagram.

"Good night, sweetheart," I smiled, placing a kiss on Evie's forehead. Joe and I walked out Evie's bedroom and back to the dining table. When we walked in, we saw Caspar, his "girlfriend", Oli, and Riley putting on their shoes.

"We need to start heading out now," Oli announced.

"Thanks for the spaghetti. It was almost as amazing as meeting you guys," Riley said, making me smile.

"Keep this one, I like her," I whispered into Oli's ear as the rest of them started to leave.

"I like her, too," Oli smiled as he walked down to his car. I grabbed all the plates and washed them in the sink. Joe sat on the couch, and I decided to join him. I rested my head on Joe's lap. I looked into his gorgeous, mesmerizing eyes while he looked into my (Y/E/C) eyes.

"You know, there's a new line of lingerie from Victoria's Secret that is being released next week, but they already gave them to me," I winked at Joe. I instantly saw Joe's eyes fill with lust.

"I think you should model them for me," Joe smirked.

"Sure thing, love" I giggled.


This was supposed to to be more of a not so serious imagine. I wanted it to be more of a funny imagine, but it turned into just an okay imagine. I actually have no idea where this was going, but it obviously ended with sex. LMAO I ran out of ideas! At first, I wasn't going to post this, but then I was all like whatever. LMAO I honestly can't get over Checking On Jaspar! I was laughing for like five minutes. I know it's sad that I was laughing so hard at my own joke, but deal with it!

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