Imagine 32: Childhood "Buddies"

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I walked down the stairs of Joe and I's new house, I heard Joe talking on the phone. Still feeling extremely sleepy, I walked over to the kitchen where Joe was sat. While I made myself a bowl of cereal, I started to pick up on the conversation going on with Joe. There was a female voice at the other end. Her voice wasn't familiar.

"Okay, I'll see you then. Bye," Joe hung up. He looked up at me and flashed me his signature beautiful smile.

"Morning, love. Who was that on the phone?" I questioned, taking a seat next to him on a bar stool.

"It was one of my good friends from secondary school. We were childhood buddies. Her name is Raquel. She came back from Africa where she helped build schools for the kids there. Raquel invited me to go have brunch with her tomorrow," Joe answered before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What's she like?" I asked, playing with Joe's messy hair that kept flopping onto his face.

"Well, she's really nice, funny, and just amazing in general," Joe repplied, causing me to feel funny inside. When Joe talks about me, he uses those same exact adjectives. I just nodded my head, trying not to say anything that would offend Joe.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same as our normal days. Joe and I just spent the whole day on the Internet with the T.V. on in the background. Caspar and Oli came around with pizza, so we all ate dinner together. Then the day was over. Caspar and Oli slept on the carpet in front of Joe and I's mattress because they didn't feel like moving. I woke up when I heard Caspar and Oli whispering my name.

"What do you guys need?" I questioned in a raspy voice. Caspar and Oli were laughing a bit.

"Help us draw on Joe's face," Caspar chuckled with his camera in hand. Caspar and Oli had a bunch of markers that were very vibrant and colorful. I quickly turned to my side while Caspar and Oli walked to Joe's side of the bed. We quickly drew hearts, giraffes, flowers, and a terrible looking chickens. Then, Joe started shuffling around, but he didn't wake up. Caspar quickly grabbed the air horn and used it while Oli and I covered our ears. Joe quickly woke up, and Caspar, Oli, and I were laughing so hard.

"I freaking hate you guys," Joe whined, covering his ears with the pillow while Caspar continued to use the air horn.

"C'mon, Joe. It's the famous Joe and Caspar prank war. The air horn isn't the only thing we used in this prank," Caspar giggled before I handed him my hand mirror. Joe gasped at his new look, but he didn't say anything or laugh. In fact, he looked upset at us.

"Are you guys kidding me? I'm meeting with one of my good friends later, and you made me look like an absolute freak! What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Joe exclaimed as Caspar quickly stopped recording.

"Dude, it was just a prank. Calm down," Oli answered, but this just set Joe off even more.

"No, it's not just a prank! I haven't seen my friend in ages, and now she's goi-" Joe retorted before I decided to interupt.

"Why does this girl mean so much to you? It's like she means more to you than me. It's like you're in love with her. Do you have feelings for her or something! If she's just a buddy, she would understand a stupid prank. A buddy would just reschedule or go to a place where there aren't people who can judge you because you have poorly drawn chickens on your face. Joe, I feel like this girl is more than just a childhood buddy, and I think you know that as well. Don't lie to yourself. She's your childhood crush. She was the girl you would dream about all the time. She was the girl that caused you to practice kissing on your pillow. She was the girl who you wished the teacher would pair you with for school projects. Joe, you still have feelings for her, that's why you don't want to look like an idiot in front of her. Joe, do you have feelings for Raquel?" I questioned which caused Joe to go quiet. It was like he was continuing to ask himself this question.

Joe's P.O.V.

Do I still like Raquel?

My mind started to question every feeling I have ever felt around her. The sad thing was everything (Y/N) said about her being my childhood crush was true. Raquel was the girl who I dreamed about every night. Raquel was the girl that caused me to practice kissing on my pillow. Raquel was the girl who I wished the teacher would pair me with for school projects. We weren't just childhood buddies.

"(Y/N), I love you so much, but it's true that I have feelings for her," I admitted, causing (Y/N)'s face to drop. Pain started to fill my body. Caspar and Oli quickly ran out our room. (Y/N) started to tear up, so I tried to comfort her, but she obviously backed off. If the tables turned, I would've done the same. There was just a few tears that went down her cheeks. Then (Y/N) did something I thought she wouldn't do. She hugged me.

"Joe, I don't want to let you go. I love you so much, so I'm going to let you test the waters with her first. If you realize that this is the relationship you want with Raquel, I'll let you go. If you realize that it isn't the same anymore, I'll be here with open arms. This might not make a lot of sense, but I want you to be happy. If I'm not good enough for you, then I should just leave," (Y/N) explained after exhaling loudly. The way she said "not good enough" hurt me so badly. Then it felt like all my feelings for Raquel disappeared.

"(Y/N), I'm not even going to test the waters with Raquel. The way that you wanted to make me happy, even though it would leave you single, really touched me. You are good enough for me. In fact, you have exceeded my expectations. I don't know why I ever thought of leaving you behind. You really are the nicest and most understanding person I have ever met. The way that you put other people's feelings before yours is actually so brave. Meeting you was really the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I don't know why I ever wanted to let you go. I'm such an idiot for ever trying to let you go. Can you find a way to forgive me?" I asked, seeing the tears in (Y/N)'s eyes.

She just nodded her head before I picked her up and spun her round and round. Once I put her down, I kissed (Y/N) with all the love I have for her. Then (Y/N) started to burst into laughter. Seeing her laugh made me laugh as well even though I had no idea what on Earth she was laughing about.

"What the hell are you laughing about?" I chuckled before she started to laugh even harder.

"The chickens I drew on your face are just beautiful," (Y/N) giggled, causing me to laugh so hard that I was crying.

It turned out that Raquel was taken. She was taken by a women. Raquel is a lesbian. Joseph Graham Sugg, you encounter the weirdest situations.


As in the day this was updated (April 30, 2016), I'm on my way to San Diego, California with my school's band! We're preforming, and we'll be staying the night. While I'm writing this, I honestly can't wait. If you want to fimd out what I was up to in San Diego, there will be a vlog that I will probably link to in my next imagine. xxx


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