Imagine 31: Crazy Incident Pt. 2

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(There might be a ton of grammar errors, misspelling, and mistakes in general.)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

With a terrible headache, I ran around the crowded streets of London, searching for my daughter, Lizzy. We were walking to Tesco, and I looked down at my phone for literally a second, but she was gone when I looked back up. Fear started to overtake my body as I looked through the street again. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my purse to call my husband, Dan Howell. (Don't judge me. If I want to include Dan, I will.) He wasn't picking up. I started to feel more anxious until I heard a familiar high pitched voice that belonged to Lizzy.

"Mummy, I'm over here!" Lizzy exclaimed as I ran to where her voice was coming from. It was on the other side of the street. It wasn't crowded like the other street.

"Oh my God, Lizzy. I was so scared!" I sighed, wrapping my arms around Lizzy's body. Then, I realized she was standing beside someone the whole time.

"Hey, I saw your daughter running around, so I just stopped over here and tried to help her out," the familiar male voice explained. I looked up to see the person I wish I never met. It was Joe Sugg, my messed up ex boyfriend who told me I wasn't good enough for him anymore.

"Don't talk to me. I left you for a reason. If you didn't know, I have a loving husband and beautiful children. I don't suppose you have a happy family like mine," I choked out, picking Lizzy up.

"Well, I have a kid," Joe answered quietly, but God knows I heard what he said.

"Let me guess, that kid wasn't planned," I snorted before my headache got more painful. I let out a loud grunt as I tried to massage my head while holding Lizzy.

"So the kid wasn't planned. Big deal. Out of those five children, at least one of them had to be an accident," Joe retorted, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Joe, I'm not like you. I actually plan to have my children. I don't get knocked up by guys like you, so I'm just going to leave now because there is no reason for you to be talking to me," I snapped before I walked down the less crowded street of London with Lizzy in my arms.

By the time I got home, my headache had gone away. It was about 2:30, so that meant my kids were supposed to come back home from school. Dan was at BBC with Phil, but they'd be back soon. While Lizzy watched Peppa Pig, I made sandwiches for everyone. Then, there were keys opening the door. It was my eldest daughter, Skylar with my son, Ben, and my other son, Chris, but my eldest son, Kevin, wasn't with them.

"Hey, kids. Where's Kevin. Didn't he take the bus with you?" I questioned as the kids sat their backpacks on the floor.

"No, he got a ride from his friend. Kevin said he'll be back by three," Skylar explained once they sat down at the table. Skylar looked more like Dan, but she had (Y/E/C) eyes because of me.

"Where's dad? I want to show him the Blastoise I drew in school. My teacher said it looked very accurate! Dad and uncle Phil are going to be so proud!" Chris explained before taking a huge bite from his sandwich. Chris looked like me, but he definitely had Dan's personality. Chris is obviously a daddy's boy.

"Did he go to BBC with Phil? I still think they are secretly dating behind your back, mum," Ben joked, making me roll my eyes. Ben was a mixture of Dan and I. Our kids are still cought up in the whole Phan thing.

"Phan is real!" Lizzy giggled mindlessly from the lounge. Lizzy also looked like me with a few genes from Dan like her adorable nose. Before I could speak, the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it.

"Hey again," Joe said as I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here? Why do you know where I live?" I questioned after I shut the door.

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