Imagine 14: That Time Of The Month

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I buried my face into my pillows. This morning, I woke up with a "friend" visiting from out of town. Periods are the absolute worst. There is nothing that can make periods better. Not even food can make it better. Like, is that even possible?

My cramps were driving me insane. Why do cramps exist? Actually, why do periods exist? We never signed up to have bleeding vaginas for three days+. I squeaked once I felt more pain from my stupid cramp.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Joe asked as I turned around from my original position.

"I have period cramps," I answered as Joe walked over to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Do you want me to head out to the shops to buy you food?" Joe asked, making me smile. I turned around and nodded my head.

"Yes, please," I said while Joe placed a soft kiss onto my lips.

"I'll be back soon, love. Hang in there," Joe smiled before walking out to go get my food. I felt more blood fall onto my pad. What the actual hell? It's only been like three hours since I actually got my period, and I feel like I've already lost 10 gallons of my blood.

With cramps still killing me, I got up to go check the "damage". I saw that I needed a new pad. Yay! I openned my pack of pads and realized I had no more. Should I ask Joe to buy me some, or will that be too embarrassing for him? Nah, I'm in dire need of them right now. He'll understand.

(Y/N): Hey, love. Can you get me pads? I ran out.

Suggy: Sure. Which ones?

(Y/N): Just get any pads. I'm sitting on the toilet, clueless with what I can do right now.

Suggy: LMAO Okay, I'll hurry.

(Y/N): Thanks! xxx

Suggy: xxx

I closed the messages app and openned Instagram. While waiting for Joe, I might as well do something rather than just staring at the floor. After about 15 minutes, I heard Joe opening the door.

"Here you go, love," Joe smiled, handing me the pads.

"Thanks," I responded as Joe walked out while I put on the pad. I got up and walked back into our room. Joe was laying on our bed.

"Do you want to watch Netflix with out the chill but with eating?" Joe chuckled, making me laugh along.

"Sure," I smiled as we walked out to have a good day even if I had my stupid period.

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