Imagine 35: Unexpected

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Requested by @kiwisugg

Warning: This is corny as heck

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

May 16, 2016: Four Days Until Prom

"Hey, (Y/N)! Do you have a date for prom?" my best friend, Kat, asked as we walked down the halls of school. We passed by all the different types of friend groups. Everyone here was pretty nice to be completely honest, but obviously high school isn't going to let me go that easily.

"Oh, Kat. Are you an idiot? Why would (Y/N) have a date to prom? She's the ugliest organism alive. Just look at her terrible hair, acne covered face, and revolting fashion sense!" Rae Cole giggled as she passed by Kat and I. I just rolled eyes without saying anything. Bullies want attention, and I'm not going to give her the reaction she wants. I just power walked past her with Kat by my side. Rae and I have been neighbors since we were born. Ever since we were kids, she hated my guts. She used to pull my hair, throw my toys in the trashcan, and make fun of my family. I had six older siblings, leaving me to be the youngest. That's why my parents are so protective of me. I'm their last one to grow up which is obviously emotional for them.

"Why didn't you say something to Rae? You hate her, so go tell her what's going on in that brain of yours!" Kat sighed before we walked into our French class. When we waked in, we passed by Joe Sugg, my childhood crush. I wish I could say I didn't have a crush on him anymore, but he's just so damn dreamy. Even when we were in primary school, I would devote every second of my free time to stare into his eyes.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Joe smiled while we walked past him. I waved shyly at him. Kat and I took a seat beside our friends, Melanie and Nadia. Then Rae walked in with her friends/slaves, Payton and Kim. Rae walked over to Joe and placed a kiss on his lips. I quickly looked away.

"Oh my God! You guys won't believe it! I asked Trenton to prom, and he said yes!" Nadia squealed before I gave her a fake smile. All of my very few friends knew I never wanted to go to prom.

"Speaking of prom, Mark asked me!" Melanie announced as I gave another one of my fake smiles. I never understood why everyone was so excited about prom.

"Bryan asked me out as well," Kat added quietly because she obviously saw how awkward I felt about prom and them having dates. Even if I did want to go, no one would ask me out.

"Hey, (Y/N). If you go, I promise that we'll all stay by your side the whole time even if our dates say otherwise," Kat smiled while Melanie and Nadia gave me sympathetic smiles.

"Fine," I answered, causing the girls to squeal. Our teacher walked in and began the dumb lesson. It's not like anyone in this class would actually need to speak French at some point in their lives. Eventually, class did end, and the bell rang, signaling that school was over. The four of us walked to our lockers which were right next to eachother. As we were walking out, I got separated from the rest of them due to all the other students rushing out of school. Suddenly, I was grabbed by someone and shoved into a closet with them. I looked to see it was Rae with her friends.

"Payton heard that you're going to prom, you little shit. I don't know what you're doing, but I will put a stop to this. I know that you have a massive crush on Joe, but he's my boyfriend. Plus, he would never fall for a piece of trash like you," Rae snorted before pushing me into a bucket of dirty of water. All the water spilled over me. I stood there in absolute shock. I sat on a chair that was in there for a few seconds before Kat opened the door.

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