Opposites Don't Attract... I Think: Part 1

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Y/N's P.O.V

People cleared a path for me as I walked down to my to my AP Statistics class where I was the top student. Yes, I was a "nerd", but I wasn't your average nerd. Let's just say I've been suspended several times. Even if I was the smartest in the class, I was the most annoying student with the worst behavior in the school. I took my usual seat in the back of the room with the seat next to me completely empty since no one ever dared to sit next to me.

"Okay, class. Sit down, so I can take attendance. Y/N, it's nice to see that you're not late again," Mrs. Carlin spoke, writing everything down. I rolled my eyes.

"Before we begin, I would like to let you guys know that we have a new TA named Joe Sugg from the football (British football) team. I bet a lot of you know him," Mrs. Carlin introduced Joe. I rolled my eyes once again. Joe was nice, something that I truly dislike. Why be nice? So people like you? I don't need anyone to like me. I like me, and that's all that really matters.

That's when Joe walked over to the empty seat beside me. I quickly pushed my stuff on the other side of the desk and rested my legs on the chair, so there was no room beside me. He politely moved my stuff back to me and took a seat before grading our assignments from yesterday. He flashed me a smile that I refused to return. I rolled my eyes for a third time.

"Did I say you can sit here?" I asked in a harsh tone, not even bothering to whisper. At this point, Mrs. Carlin had given up on telling me off.

"No, but Mrs. Carlin told me to sit here," Joe whispered as he continued to correct our papers. In annoyance, I pushed all the papers off the desk, causing them to fall all over the floor. Joe looked at me and then back at the papers.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I should clean up the mess now," Joe smiled and started picking up the papers. I rolled my eyes for a fourth time and continued with the rest of the class, using my phone the whole time. Finally, the bell rang, signaling class was over. Right before I walked out the door, Mrs. Carlin stopped Joe and I.

"Ms, Y/L/N, your grade in my class has fallen to a D. You may understand everything in this class, but your participation is not so good. And Mr. Sugg, your grade in my class isn't too exceptional either. Just being TA isn't going to raise your grade. You need to raise your academic grade. So I decided to have the 'nerd' tutor the 'jock'. You guys will meet in the library after school at 3:30," Ms. Carlin explained, causing my blood boil. I had no time to be tutoring this "charming" jock. Yet, I had to raise my grade to get into Harvard.

"Sure thing, Ms. Carlin. I'll be there right on time. I hope I'll see you on time, Y/N," Joe smiled before walking out. As Joe walked out, I desperately ran after him. He had football practice he couldn't possibly want to go to tutoring with me instead of football.

"Hey, Mr. I'm Buff And Hot. You're not actually go tutoring, right?" I questioned, pushing past people in the hallway. I pushed several people to the ground, but I honestly didn't care.

"Why wouldn't I go to tutoring? We both have to pull up our grades," Joe explained before arriving at his next class that we happened to have together.

"I know, but I could easily beg Ms. Carlin to raise our grade up instead of tutoring. Plus, you have football practice. I hate tutoring!" I whined, standing in front of the door of our class. He stood there and thought about it.

"I'd rather have you tutor me. I want to learn. Is that too much to ask for? Life isn't about begging," Joe replied before taking a seat at his desk in the front. I sighed before taking a seat at my desk in the back. When Joe looked back at me, I flipped him off, getting upset looks from girls who were in love with him. Yes, I guess he is fairly attractive, but we're two very different people. I don't believe in all the opposites attract crap.

After School

"Hey, Y/N! Why are you half an hour late? Are you all good?" Joe asked after I dropped my stuff on the ground and took a seat beside him at a desk in the library.

"Believe it or not, but I have a life, and so do you. Just get your statistics textbook and notebook out," I answered. Joe did as I said and opened his book to today's lesson.

"Do these problems, and tell me when you're done," I instructed him as he looked at the problems and looked back at me.

"I don't know how to," Joe spoke shyly, looking at the ground. I had to admit, that was really cute, but I refuse to like humans. I want to spend my life trying to master all kinds of arts. I don't need a partner.

"Fine, I'll show you how to do the first one, and you do the second one," I announced, picking up the pencil and starting the problem.

Joe's P.O.V.

What's wrong with me? I'm crushing on a girl who is kind of an ass. The thing is, I know she really is a kind hearted person who just wants to pretend she's not. I just pretended that I didn't know how to do the problem because I'm in love with watching her thinking face. When I'm a TA in Y/N's class, I watch her as she solves problems because she's just so adorable. The way she puts so much in what she's doing is so weirdly attractive to me.

"There, you now have a reference. Do the next problem. I'm losing my patience," Y/N rolled her eyes, handing me my notebook. I started to wonder what would it be like if she did lose her patience.

"What f I don't want to do the next problem?" I teased Y/N before making eye contact with me. She gave me a serious look. I chuckled.

"Excuse me, Mr. I'm The Popular, Attractive, And Extremely Nice Football Player. I'm in charge around here, and if you don't want to cooperate with me then you can walk right out. It's your grade. Unlike you, Ms. Carlin kind of fears me and will listen to me. The only reason I chose to help you was because..." Y/N trailed off, making me smile. Y/N looked down at her hand with a frown on her face.

"It looks like the witch actually has a little goodness in there," I teased her again as she lightly punched my arm. She continued to look down.

"Hey, there. You're supposed to be tutoring me because you have a little kindness in that heart under all that mean stuff," I chuckled, lifting Y/N's head. She made eye contact with me. With her head in my hand, I slowly connected my lips with Y/N's. 

At first, she didn't respond but then shyly kissed back. Her soft lips showed more dominance as time passed. She started kissing harder. I gladly led her onto my lap as the kiss got heated. I ran my hands through her hair and she moaned quietly. Too much for a public library? Yeah, but I didn't care and it appeared Y/N didn't give  crap either. 

Y/N accidently rubbed her crotch on mine, causing me to moan way too loud. Y/N quickly got off clearly embarrassed. Realizing what just happened, Y/N's eyes widened in fear. She stammered quickly under her breath. Y/N quickly grabbed her stuff. She looked at me and then down at her feet. 

"You know, maybe you should find a new tutor and I should find someone else to tutor. This isn't going to work. I'm sorry. We should just be grateful that no one heard or saw," Y/N sighed, messing with her now messy hair. I nodded my head as she walked out of the library. 



Hello, everyone or to the three people who will be reading this! That was the first bonus imagine out of the either three or five I will be writing. Obviously, there will be a second part to this. I'm sorry if the last few paragraphs seem rushed. When I edit later (I write my A/N's before editing the imagine) I will try to make it appear less rushed. If it still doesn't look or sound too good, I'm very sorry. The reason why I'm rushing is because I really want to rewatch Yuri On Ice. If you don't know what Yuri On Ice is, it's an ice skating anime that is honestly so amazing. Please watch it. I need people in this fandom to talk about it with. I talk to the same people every time in the Phandom and I'd like some of Joe's fandom to talk to about it. Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling. I hope you have a great day! 


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